lovelyrose11 Member


  • Day 5 is just beginning for me. I am feeling rough this morning b/c I have a pretty bad head cold. But, I feel less bloated and I have finally stopped craving soda every second of the day :) I also lost a few pounds this week so that was a nice bonus!
  • I started between 215-216 and this morning I weighed in at 212.6! Quite pleased...
  • Day 3 has been an awesome success for me as well. We ate at my sister's house and managed to stay on track!
  • Good planning! I am making cauliflower rice right now.
  • I'm Niki - I live in Winter Park, FL. I am 32 years old. I have 3 boys (ages 3, 2, and 4 months). I have struggled with my weight since the age of 25. I work full time and just recently finished my college education. Now I am trying to figure out how to balance my work/family life and get in some exercise! I have about…
  • On a side note - I am not sure if anyone has thought about an exercise routine yet. I will be doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution.
  • Not sure what my weight loss goal will be for this month. This is my first shot at a Whole30/Paleo type eating plan, so I am unsure what to expect. My start weight is 216 so obviously I have a lot to lose and it won't happen in one month's time. However, my overall goal is to lower my cholesterol. My Dr said if I lower my…
  • I'm in! I am 4 months postpartum and I am ready to lose the weight. I have been researching paleo (specifically Whole30) for months and I am ready to start! My main goal is to lower my cholesterol to keep my Doctor from putting me on meds.
  • I am in! I need to lose about 60 lbs to get to my goal weight. This challenge will be a great way to kick start my weight loss :)
  • Your SIL should not condemn you for having to work! Plenty of women work and raise a family and they are great mothers. It sounds like you are doing the best you can for your children and that is what makes an amazing mother! I know as they get older they will appreciate all the sacrifices you have made for them. I know…
  • Thank you everyone! It really helps to hear all your advice. Yes, working full time is what is best for me and my family. When I was a SAHM. We were barely making it by. Now we are more comfortable and actually making ends meet. So I know this is the right choice. But, it is still hard. Thank you guys!!!!
  • I totally understand. I work full time, go to school full time, and have 2 under 2!! It is exhausting. I always seem to have it together but I let one thing slide. For example, right now I am going to work, keeping up with my studies, and working out quite a bit...BUT I have been eating so much crap this week. It's like no…
  • I personally haven't but I had a friend who has 2 children and with both she has to cut out all dairy for the first 3 months and slowly re-introduce it to her diet. I know it was extremely hard for her but I think she tried to find dairy substitutes. Although, in the end she just said she had to bite the bullet and just do…
  • As a mother of 2 boys under 2 I just don't have time for drama. While I want to be supportive of all my friends, there is a limit to how far I can go. IMHO, friendships that are one-sided never last.
  • First, I just want to say I am glad you are here and looking for encouragement! That's a start. Congrats on losing the 40 lbs! Second, while it sounds nice to say that you want to get healthy for your son (or any other person in your life) you will only lose weight when you want it for YOURSELF. I am saying this from…
  • Despite being 9 lbs under my PPW I still have to wear some maternity shirts!
  • Team - i am sorry to do this but I have to back out as team captain and out of this challenge. I don't wanna get too personal but one of my children is experiencing health issues that is now consuming a lot of my time. It would be unfair to the group if I stayed on. I hope everyone understands. Good luck white team!
  • Getting started now! I am thinking sets of 20-30..
  • Finally done!
  • Thanks for the advice. I was really wanting to go straight into but I didn't want to be overachieving. haha.
  • I guess it ended up being a good thing you started a few days ahead of schedule :drinker:
  • Oh wow! That is really interesting. I've never even thought about fat "on the inside!" LOL. I have noticed a major difference in my thighs and above my waist (like the rib cage area) also my bras are getting quite loose. Thank goodness I haven't gone down a cup size yet. I mean I don't mind if I go down a size but right…
  • Starting them now...I've been lazy all morning.
  • We had some nice losses this week! Although there is one member that I couldn't seem to get a hold of so I guess her weight won't count for us. I did get her challenge info, she just wouldn't respond to me with her weight.
  • Thanks amazing transformation!!!! That's inspirational! Karategirl - Great advice!! I didn't even think of it that way! I was a size 16 before the pregnancy. Which I was 193 when I got pregnant and now I'm 189 so now it totally makes sense that I'm still in the same size! Duh!! I feel so stupid now. hahahaha.
  • Hey Ladies - I was just wondering how much weight you had to lose before you starting going down in clothing sizes? I had a baby 4 months ago. I delivered at 218 lbs and I am now 189 lbs. I only gained 20 lbs during my pregnancy. I started at a tight size 16 jeans and XL shirts. Well, I am still in both!!! 30 lbs and still…
  • 80 down...for some reason I thought today was a rest day so I'm playing catch up now. haha
  • I just saw the spreadsheet and it looks like you got everything. Thank you for keeping up with the spreadsheet!