

  • It makes me feel better to know you are experiencing the same thing sierra. Someone in another forum where I posted my message suggested that it may be a kind of grieving process when trying to let go of the foods that brought us comfort and in my case a kind of happiness for so long. Makes sense to me so maybe it will be…
  • Wow everyone has been so nice! Jpketz I really appreciate your view actually and feel like what you said really hits home for me. I definitely feel like I am throwing one big fit over food and for the last two days I have acted like a baby about everything right down to fits of crying. I guess it is kindof a grieving…
  • Hello, I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can…
  • Hello, I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can…