I get extremely ANGRY when I diet...Can anyone relate?

JenneMorris Posts: 6
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can only attribute it from not being able to eat what I want all the time. I know that I have a problem with comfort eating but I am more so wondering if anyone else out there feels like this ever.


  • Hello,
    I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can only attribute it from not being able to eat what I want all the time. I know that I have a problem with comfort eating but I am more so wondering if anyone else out there feels like this ever.
  • jpketz
    jpketz Posts: 73
    I can relate. I get resentful, maybe even a little rebellious when I first start managing my eating but I think most of it comes from a feeling of deprivation and is pretty normal. To the extent we are emotional eaters, the deprivation feels even worse. It feels very young, like I'm 9 years old being told I'm grounded.

    I think there's also an element of grieving involved in starting a "diet" ( a word I try not to use but seems appropriate here). Given that food represents comfort, safety, suddenly being without those things feels a little like losing a trusted friend and ally.

    I'm not sure what the answer is but it helps me just to aware of the feelings, not to judge, and continue to let the rational, well-informed adult part of me make good decisions, one meal at a time.

    Sorry if this sounds too "new agey". And welcome to the forum.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I would like to introduce you to my husband, but he's cowering in a corner somewhere trying to stay of the way of my wrath because I really want pizza today and I know I can't have it. :cry: I get mad from time to time and I have to remember this is my choice, not his, and certainly not my daughter's choice. It seems to have balanced out for now but I know it'll return the next time I want fudge or cookies or brownies. Hang in there and keep talking to us when you need someone to vent to and we'll get through this together.
  • Hi,
    I have adopted a new way of eating recently and I wonder if the program will work for you. I am basically eating every 3 hours. The program is called The 3 hour diet. Staying within a calorie range but eating whatever I want. The author is Jorge Cruize.
    Best Wishes for your endeaver and I hope you find what will ease your unhappiness or being mad at times I'm sure your family forgives you and since they sound like they care about you they must want to make you happy.
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    Ditto, ditto, ditto! I think, for most all of us, that it is a combination of comfort eating and the fact that most people that over-eat, (me included for sure) is that we eat WAY too many carbs and that seriously effects our mood when we cut back on them. That eventually subsides, but it takes awhile to break that sugar/carb habit.
    Hope this helps! The pst definitely made me think about how my moods have been lately.
    Take care!
  • Wow everyone has been so nice!
    Jpketz I really appreciate your view actually and feel like what you said really hits home for me. I definitely feel like I am throwing one big fit over food and for the last two days I have acted like a baby about everything right down to fits of crying. I guess it is kindof a grieving process and maybe once I really say goodbye to those foods I am so used to (but aren't good for me) I will be able to let go of my "anger" too.
    And catlover, it sounds like we are a lot alike, right down to a love for kitties. Thank you for your encouragment and support.
    Thank you everyone!
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I have adopted a new way of eating recently and I wonder if the program will work for you. I am basically eating every 3 hours. The program is called The 3 hour diet. Staying within a calorie range but eating whatever I want. The author is Jorge Cruize.

    I would be weary of the 3 Hour Diet because some people may gain weight by eating often and there is no proof that eating at specific times of the day increases your metabolism. The more you sit down for your meal, the greater your chance to overeat. Here is an excerpt from webMD:

    Whether you're eating three meals or six a day, "the only thing that has been consistently shown to increase BMR is exercise," says Vicki Sullivan, PhD, RD, LD, national lecturer and president of Balance, LLC, when we interviewed her and other experts in 2005.

    While Sullivan agrees that some people may feel energized and less hungry eating every three hours, not everyone will.

    "I have clients who find that they gain weight when they eat more frequently, or some simply cannot eat every three hours due to job constraints," Sullivan says.

    And in one recent study, baseline metabolic rate was unaffected by meal timing. "Other studies also show that eating frequency has no effect on a person's overall metabolic rate," says Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN, with the American Institute for Cancer Research.

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