klainef Member


  • I forgot to check in for a couple weeks, but still lost 2.5 pounds. Down to 185.4!
  • Forgot to check in last week. Oops! So in two weeks I'm at 187.8, down 1.4 pounds.
  • We need the exercise to help burn the fat you already have and to help tone up your muscles and strengthen bones. By exercising, you also boost your energy/stamina levels, and improve non-physical areas like sleeping better and improving moods. Since exercise can make you hungry and not enough calories can put you in…
  • Half a pound since last week. Down to 189.2.
  • Finally, a loss! Down 2.2 pounds to 189.6! I lowered my calorie goal this week so I'm waiting to see if it sticks.
  • Gained .8 pounds, now at 191.8. I was under my calorie goal most of this week, but that doesn't matter when you're eating junk. Last weekend was my birthday, so I don't have much remorse for cheating. There's no more birthdays or holidays for the next month. Hopefully I'll be able to get on track then.
  • Whoops, missed my check-in yesterday! 191. Gained .6 pounds. Not entirely sure what happened but my figure is starting to change, so I might just be building muscle as fast as I'm losing fat.
  • weekly weigh-in: 190.4. i gained half a pound. friends were in town over the long weekend and i ended up eating out twice in one day. apparently i'm still working that mistake off.
  • My goal is 40-50 pounds. At a pound a week, that'll take me about a year, but who cares as long as I'm healthy. Right now, I seem to be losing a few pounds a week, but I know that will slow down as I get closer to my goal. An average of a pound a week will be enough for me.
  • haven't been going for a full week yet, but i'm starting at 189.8