mccindy72 Member


  • Completely depends on the reason, when it comes to hysterectomy. I had one ten years ago for fibroid tumors and endometriosis, and I have a family member and several friends who have all had hysterectomies for endometriosis. Back when I just had polyps, they just removed them and tested them for cancer.
  • Oh, please. This thread wasn't started about serious health issues. It was (and continued as) about appetite and cramps and bleeding. That's what needs to be gotten over. I'm not going to sympathize with any of that. There are a lot of worse things that could be (and are) happening to people everywhere than a monthly…
  • Imagine a First World country where women got over the fact of their own biology and sucked it up. Owned their own biology for a few days and dealt with real life. If a period is the worst thing that is happening to you, you have things pretty good. Take a Midol, have a binge day, and move on.
  • You have to add some protein and fat in with them. I sautee them with chicken breast, teriyaki sauce, garlic and cheese, and have raw vegetables on the side. The noodles are the bulk, but it's the protein and the fat from the chicken and the cheese that are the satiating factor.
  • I'm sure no one ever exaggerates the minutes.
    in Sex Comment by mccindy72 December 2015
  • Sometimes some people's bodies just need a good cigarette?
  • : :D :D :D
    in Sex Comment by mccindy72 December 2015
  • your theory has led to a global obesity crisis.
  • Your shiritake suggestion for swapping out pasta has completely saved me. I love to eat volume when it comes to pasta, but can't do that on my limited calorie goal. I can eat a plateful of shirtake and chicken breast. OMG.
  • I'd never skip chocolate for raisins. I'd just eat an amount of chocolate that fit into my calorie goals.
  • Maybe they ate your meat. Some poor starving McDonald's worker ate your meat.
  • I always complete, I have my FitBit linked to MFP and use it for comparison between calorie burn tracking and food intake.
  • During orgasm, which lasts for about 5-10 seconds for a man, and up to 2 minutes for a woman (sorry, guyz). Unless you are doing it Swayze against the wall in the old barn in Roadhouse-style, you really aren't doing that much cardio.
    in Sex Comment by mccindy72 December 2015
  • McDonald's - blech. Sorry, but it's true. I'd much rather fry up my own hash browns at home in butter and eat them. I mean, I'm fully supportive of people eating wherever they want and making it fit, but don't the home fried hash browns taste so much better?
  • You are correct. Because you lose water weight when you first start losing weight, you lose weight very quickly. After a time, you will balance out to losing 1-2 pounds per week, if you are following the appropriate calorie deficit.
  • this. It's not a good idea to have people show logs with total calorie counts less than 1,000. Other people don't know it's because you're sick.
  • easy enough to say, but if your macros are out of balance, it makes a difference. Calorie goals are what matter for weight loss and maintenance, and macro balances and nutrients are what matter for your health.
  • Honestly, that's a lot of food for one meal. Two options. You save up calories over a week, and you eat 1/2 of everything you order. Or you just eat the meal and have a day where you know you went way over and move on.
  • Well, that's probably not true. While you might think that you're just 'above it all', you really aren't. It might not be in the same context as everyone else (as in, relative to your physical attributes), but there are certainly aspects of yourself and your life that are reflected off of others' points of view. It might…
  • How about, "boy, I'm really enjoying eating oatmeal right now! I eat it twice a day. Eventually I'll probably get sick of it, but for now it's a lot of fun to find all the different ways I can enjoy it." And add some more vegetables and protein in while you are enjoying it.
  • We aren't just stand alone figures in the world. We reflect off of each other. It's hard to admit it, but we all do care what people think about us in some context, whether it is the world at large or just a significant other. And an offhand comment from a stranger can be hurtful.
  • Absolutely doesn't matter what a person does at the gym. Weight loss is accomplished by eating at a deficit, whether one is exercising or not.
  • It comes across as a bit - odd -when you are going on about being hungry after the dinner you helped to cook, and how you have to eat the same thing that is selected by the family. Because you and your mother shop together, and you have no input on what is bought? I'm sorry, that makes no sense. Even when one person is…
  • This, exactly. While you might be feeling hungry, at least you had something to eat. Imagine all the hungry and homeless tonight who have nothing to eat. Sometimes it can help to look at the big picture when you are thinking of small things that are upsetting you.
  • How did jelly doughnuts end up being a traditional Jewish food?
  • Still, that is 1 gram of carbs... not the zero grams of carbs that was being discussed as not providing any calcium.
  • Not on a zero carb diet.
  • That's an excuse. Don't lay that off on other people. No matter what size anyone is, we all love food and have to make choices about what to eat and not to eat to fit into our calorie goals. And no one is saying you have to saying no to anything, you have just have to make choices that make that 'something special' fit…