Thread after thread gets posted about carbs causing weight gain, low-carb diets being required, but hey, let's get real. Here's something to consider. The foods that some people like to point fingers at as causing the problems - cookies, cake, doughnuts, pizza, etc- all contain more than one macro. not just carbs, but also…
Just curiosity. I have tried them before, they were a little fishy for my taste. I don't know how many calories they are but I don't know if I'd eat them again. Not really worth the time. Anyone else?
The Today Show did a whole bit on the 'No Sugar Challenge'. 10 days eating foods with NO added sugar. The theory being that if you can give it up for 10 days, you can give it up for life. Hm, no. Here's the problem: Joy had several 'replacement foods' she had invented to take the place of each person's favorite sugary…