msmm6 Member


  • I can only speak for P90X. It takes a several hundred dollar commitment to do it correctly. In addition to the program, which I suggest you buy from a reliable source, you will need a pull up bar, a mat and some type of dumbells. Cheaper is not better in this case. I don't know your condition but I got much more out of…
  • General Mills and Kellogg's both make granola bars with about 10 grams of fiber and 120 to 140 calories. They satisfy my sweet tooth and add a good amount of fiber.
  • Amarillo - I have 2+ years of of statistics on bike rides that include HR and speed. Not until 3 days ago had my average HR for a daily ride vary more than a few BPM. 3 days ago it went from about 140 to 156. It had never been that high except for interval workouts or very hard rides. So, I am eliminating improper…
  • Running is not a sport that is going to put visible muscle on you after a few weeks - especially your upper body. Maybe your 10 pound weight gain has made things confusing. If you want to tone up your body, look at the college (your age group) athletes that have the body type you are looking for and try to develop a…