

  • Muscle weighs more than fat does yet muscle takes up less room. So as one poster suggested you could be loosing inches but the scale is not budging. If you are loosing inches keep doing what you're doing. Maybe add some cardio in with your strength training to mix it up and eventually the weight will come off. Feeding…
  • Luna Bars, Odwalla Bars, Larabars, Cliff Bars. Those are my four favorites.
  • I eat a vegan diet. I tend to keep Luna Bars in my purse for those times though they don't happen often.
  • I'm actually new to MFP so last night was my first time ever logging my calories. I just got kind of curious. I seldom if ever count calories even if I'm trying to loose weight because I get obsessive about it. So I watch my portions and I cut the junk and the processed foods and focus on eating whole grains, fruits and…
  • Used to drink Silk Light Vanilla soy milk. Now I drink Blue Diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Its got 40 calories a cup and no sugar. However in my opinion it only tastes good on cereal or when added to something. If you are a milk straight from the jug person or a cookie dunker Blue Diamond Almond vanilla almond…
  • I haven't ever in my life had a gym membership and I used to work out 1 hour a day 5 days a week (trying to get back there). Even after I fell off that bandwagon I kept working out, doing something. My apartment isn't all that small now. But before I had a very tiny place and I had an aerobic step, a balance ball,…
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