

  • Weightloss from illness. Starting 4 weeks ago I was hospitalized with severe Cellulitis for 8 days (IV antibiotics) then resting at home (oral ABs). I lost 20 pounds (from 228) and am still gradually going down. My appetite is still very meager and as it comes back I may reboung. While I'm ecstatic about being thinner I…
  • has an interesting article about "The facts on Leptin", a hormone that is said to give feedback to the brain about the state of the body's fat stores and starvation signals.
  • Google "joel marion cheat day". He is a for profit fitness expert blogger who talks about the benefit of a strategic cheat day once a week to reset your leptin levels, which apparently gradually lower as you diet resulting in diminished metabolism. When leptin levels are low...oh well, there is a lot he has to say about it…
    in Cheat Day? Comment by bartmo July 2012
  • Something high in protein might help. Almonds or walnuts or a little peanut butter on a cracker. Others have noted that not eating will slow down metabolism because your brain thinks you are starving and needs to preserve its energy stores. I guess that's why it's important to eat small meals (eg., snacks) throughout the…