

  • Princess Bride!!!!
  • This just made my day :)
  • Wow i can not believe that this is supposed to be a website of support and motivation and 90% of the response's are so rude, what is wrong with you people? If you guys really feel better about yourself knocking down someone that was simply being honest and just looking to vent and possible find some advice then i am really…
  • I work nights at a call center... yuck, but I have found first replacing my chair with a yoga ball has helped A TON, and yes popcorn, LOTS of water, fruit snacks, granola bars, laughing cow cheese with reduced fat wheat thins (personal fav) and mandarin oranges are some of my go to snacks when i have having my "middle of…
  • If it helps you to hear it you and I are in the same place (literally) i tend to be right around 260-280, i just got back on the wagon a few weeks ago, i have thrown out all the junk in my house, and have ordered a pedometer. I am hoping to start a self challange and each week increase my steps by "x". Just know you are…
  • You can also try wearing two sport bras, it works for me.
  • I have the same problem :( i keep telling myself that i am just getting older and older and it will just keep getting harder and harder to get healthy the longer i wait... i have not reached that point that i like the gym yet but i have improved in my eatting, i found it is not as hard to snack better when you have to…
  • Being the biggest i have ever been, i am 26 i know that if i do not hurry up and get my good habit and ideal weight started now i know it will just keep getting harder and harder to start later. Seeing my pictures and having to buy bigger clothes is no longer something i am ok with!
  • and i'm dumb lol, i just downloaded this literally 20 mins ago and did not see the actual "recipes" forum. ignore this post lol
  • that's awesome!!!!! i quit cold turkey about a year ago, i still have cravings from time to time but is def the best decision i have ever made! stay strong we can do it!