I carry my weight all over which comes in handy sometimes i guess but mine mostly is in my chest and hips.
^^ 9:) very pretty eyes and smile!!
mine would have to be any will ferrel movie. seriously almost every line for me especially anchorman. :)
I'm 5'9 and my goal weight is 170 or 180 but i have a bigger body mass so it looks right. lol
Congrats on the awesome weight loss ive always been chubby and even though i played sports almost year round i was always the big stocky chubby girl. im always hear to lend an ear if anyone needs to talk or needs some support:)
i want to lose at least 25-30 lbs in june:) and work out 6 days a week im up to 5 but im gonna push it to 6 keep up the good work guys:)
hmm I would say 6.5 and 8 if i wear makeup lol but 9 or 10 personality wise if only my body would catch up already:)