

  • Thank you! My favorite one is that last one... I miss my jaw line.
  • Ticks, gnats, mosquitoes are amazingly bad this year. I live in Kentucky. News people say it's because we didn't have a cold winter (I think it was only 30 degrees 2 days) and thus the bugs weren't killed off like usual.
  • That is so wonderful! Thank you for the inspiration!!
  • they are cute and have no support or they have support and look like fort knox. who wants to go to bed with fort knox tits?.. ;) [/quote] Fort Knox Tits. This is the greatest description of big girl bras I have *EVER* heard.. and completely accurate!!
  • Back 15 years ago when I was a runner in high school, I would wear a regular underwire with a sports bra over it, and that kept the bouncing to a minimum. Also, has anyone experienced lopsided loss in the boobs? A few months ago, I was a bulging 38d, I lost 10 lbs and now I swear righty is a C, lefty just a nice D.
  • I never would have thought of compression clothes! I feel like I'm going to giggle all the fat off, like one day it's going to just fall to the ground! An exercise girdle is definately in my future! Thanks!!
  • I have a drawl too... (western Kentucky)... when I'm with the natives, it comes out, but I work mostly in central/northern IL and IN, and it lightens up when I'm around non-drawlers.. I can even hide it if I really try, and make it thicker (works to charm older men), which causes my coworkers to elect me to deal with…
  • I just started doing this a week ago, and the support is more than I'd ever expect!! It's been wonderful and it's amazing how just tracking your food makes you realize how you're supposed to eat, drink, etc... feel free to add me!
  • I've had asthma all my life, allergy and exercise induced, and I too and allergic to nature.. But it never stopped me from doing anything. To make my lungs stronger my parents started me in sports when I was about 4, and kept a watchful eye out for any problems. Now I take singular and albuterol daily. As a child it was…
  • According to WebMD 30 mins of sex burns about 90 calories, I added it to my exercises, because everything counts!! There's an article on there that lays out about how many calories different things burn, making out, etc...
  • I'm sooo in!! 5'1 194... only been doing this for a week, but I haven't seen any change, so I need some guidance!
  • So, I'm a crier... Thanks everyone!! I didn't expect such a welcoming!
  • Thanks!! I should throw in there- I travel M-F for work, driving for HOURS each day... a routine is almost impossible.... I try to do some little clenching/flexing things in the car, mostly just to keep myself occupied. I've daydreamed about there being a car-yoga routine I can follow. Ha! I'm so self-conscious now that…