

  • Hi to all, I am so sorry that I haven't been communicating with everyone. We have been busy with our new addition. Her name is CALLIE and she is adorable and so good natured. We got her on the 27th of July from the Town of Oyster Bay Shelter. I had been searching online and there she was. She is about a 1 1/2 to 2 yrs.…
  • Dear All, I am finally back on track after a aweek of painting at my church. It felt soooooooooooo good this morning to go for a nice long 4 mile walk along the water. Now I am ready to go and face those kids at the day care . Hope everyone is well....:drinker: keep making sure you drink plenty of water............
  • Hi All, Sorry I haven't been in touch in a while. I ahve been really busy with work and I was recuited by my Pastor to help paint classrooms in the school, so as all of you are aware, that thing called Catholic Guilt, I couldn't say no. The painting lasted a full week and now that we are finished, it's back to walking each…
  • Dear Mary, Eileen and Margie, I can not believe it , but I drove the route that I have been walking today ,and one route I take is 5 1/2 miles and the other is 3 1/2 miles. I guess I lost track when I was walking. Hopefully all this walking will turn into some weight loss. I hope everyone enjoys their week. Swimming sounds…
  • Hi Mary, Eileen and Margie, Summer is off to a flying start here in Bayville. I finish at Home Fries at 6:30 a.m. and don't have to start at Little People till 9:30 or 10 depending on the day so with that in mind I go for a walk every morning around Bayville. Today I walked down to Ransom beach and turned around and…
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