

  • DO NOT GO WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY!!!! Besides that drinking water, chewing gum, bringing a health alternative (for yourself or the group). Have a set plan before you get there, like I will have a small piece of cake and eat off the veggie platter. Do not divert from your plan and do not feel guilty for it as long as you log…
  • Also, you probably do need more calories. 1200 is very low, so you may want to look at that. It is very hard to stay on an eating plan and lose wait consistently when you are starving.
  • I was always thin and athletic before I had children, but I do not remember a time when I did not constantly think about food. I think a brain can be obsessive and unhealthy no matter what the body looks like. I am trying to change my thought patterns now, by distracting myself, but it is hard. My mom goes to compulsive…
  • I wanted to let you know about Compulsive Eaters Annonymous. It is different that OA because it gives you a stricter eating plan. My mom used it to lose close to 100lbs after being overweight her whole life. She has tried all the diets, but this was the first that addressed the addictive qualities of some food for some…