megastorm82 Member


  • I lost 150 pounds really slowly (it took 6 years) but because I had gained it so quickly before (had gained 100 in a year) my elasticity was shot. I could pull my belly skin half a foot away from my body. I had some skin removal surgery, but my skin will never fit me like it would if I had always been thin. But you know…
  • I don't know how i lived before bullet proof coffee. I do about 12 to 16 ounces of coffee with about one tablespoon coconut oil, one tablespoon kerrygold, and a squirt of liquid stevia... If I feel like having a 'mocha' I blend in a tablespoon of cocoa powder too. It is delightful :)
  • Lots of meat, veggies, and healthy oils like olive and coconut :) I love making what I call "magic tuna salad"- mashed avocado with some hot sauce instead of mayo, mix in some tuna and chopped bell peppers. Delightful. Good luck!
  • Thanks so much for the suggestions! I really like the idea of asking for the chicken alfredo over broccoli!