Lose Skin?

I'm 21 years old and a female, my weight has fluctuated all my life but I'm at the heaviest I've ever been now at 215 D: I really want to lose at least 60 lbs but I'm a bit worried about lose skin happening. At my thinnest I believe I was around 140ish and it looked good for my body structure but even then I had only lost 30-40 lbs to get to that point. I'm getting back into the swing of dieting, my job requires I move around at least a moderate amount and I lift dogs onto exam tables and restrain them (I'm a vet assistant). Will my age help me with not having lose skin or is there something other than weight training I can do to prevent lose skin? Also is setting a weight loss goal of 60 lbs too high for a 6 month period?


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Lose the weight slower, so your skin can keep up.
    And weight training is great.
  • sch1994
    sch1994 Posts: 57 Member
    If you do it slowly it will be fine! dont rush these things, its a marathon, not a sprint! if you want motivation you can add me if you like :)
  • megastorm82
    megastorm82 Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 150 pounds really slowly (it took 6 years) but because I had gained it so quickly before (had gained 100 in a year) my elasticity was shot. I could pull my belly skin half a foot away from my body. I had some skin removal surgery, but my skin will never fit me like it would if I had always been thin. But you know what? It is much better to have loose skin than to weigh 325 pounds.