

  • I need to eat more? When I stated in May, my goal was about 1900cal/day...and the app modifies my calories after I lose a certain amount of weight every time automatically. Is the app incorrect? I currently eat about 1460 a suggest bumping that up appx 300 cal?
  • I am 5'9" My excercise level is low and has been low. I am not unmotivated to excercise, It's just I have a 9 month old who I take care of all Day and then I work nights. The pinched nerve in my neck doesn't help the situation, but that's temporary.
  • I certainly have. I have as a result tried in secret to lose, and failed almost every time. Though I still have no interest in unsolicited advice, I have made it very public this time, in order to make sure I am held accountable. BTW it has been 161 days now and I have lost 56.2lbs of my 107lb total goal.