

  • there is evil everywhere you go. Don't let someone with absolutely no vested interest in your health discourage you. I agree with the many who said the person should be reported. That type of comment is unacceptable... If I'm not mistaken, you paid a membership fee just like he did. What makes his money more important than…
  • There are small things you can do... fresh fruit may be hard on your wallet so maybe try frozen berries. You can always throw them in a blender with a little almond milk, freeze it and that can be an ice cream substitute. If you have the burger, don't eat the bun or eat half of the bun. I understand what you mean about…
  • Great tips! I'm glad I looked at this post. Now I can incorporate this into my game plan! Thanks!
  • keep in mind things like water weight, monthly cycles and all that good stuff. One week I lost 4 lbs just because I started drinking all of my water and was able to flush my system a bit. Don't get discouraged. You can do this. I have been doing this since May. I've lost about 10 lbs and have been able to keep it off even…
  • First, my prayers are with you as you go through your trials. Secondly, you need to be able to help in trying situations but not carry the entire load. In this situation where you had calls to make, is there a way where you create a phone tree? You call the first 2 people, those 2 people call 2 people, etc. That frees up…