

  • You can add me. I am mom to 3 fantastic boys, age 19, 14, and 12. Kind of past the age yours are, but I certainly remember those days. (Sorry to say, the noise and action hasn't died down any.)
  • I would also recommend C25k. I never enjoyed running but was challenged by my niece to try the C25k program. I started running with a friend when I was on week 2, she was on week 5, she "slowed down" for me as I had no concept of being able to run for 8 minutes without stopping. Now I am running 25 minutes straight and…
  • Can't wait to try some of these ideas. Thanks everyone.
  • I am like you and love to eat sweets, I think the foods I ate outside of meals were the biggest cause of my weight problems. I recently heard someone recommend to help stop the sugar cravings, just stop eating sweets for one week, and see how you feel. I felt I could do that. It was a small enough goal. I did well, and…
  • Can't figure out how to reply to someone directly. Have seen some close twins. Age: 47 Height: 5'4 SW: 173 CW: 171 GW: 145-150 Haven't been very active in the past, but trying to change that.