manon1 Member


  • You look absolutely gorgeous and those guns are to die for! I'm going to have to start push-ups during my work out tonight...
  • Unfortunately, ignoring PCOS doesn't work. I was diagnosed 15 years ago and as I mentioned in another thread, the last year for me was hell - probably because I'm older and my metabolism was also slowing. I've been on completely sugar and flour-free (including rice, corn and any other type of flour) diets for as long as I…
  • I also highly recommend going to There are boards there of thousands of people who have had WLS, including those who are pregnant afterward and those who have had MAJOR problems. With vertical sleeve, you can certainly get pregnant after and there aren't nearly the side effects of RNY because there's no…
  • I have PCOS. I was diagnosed about 15 years ago. In the last year, the pounds absolutely would not come off, no matter what I did (probably because I was turning 40 and my metabolism, such as it was, was coming to a crashing stall). I ended up going with vertical sleeve gastrectomy in October and have since lost 60 lbs. I…
  • Surgery is not the "easy way out" and anyone who says it is, hasn't had surgery. Please look into the vertical sleeve before you make your decision. There is less of a chance that the new stomach will stretch and far fewer side effects. Additionally, it removes the portion of the stomach that makes the so-called "hunger…
  • Totally rockin' it. I have some seriously saggy *kitten* jeans. I really have to hit the thrift stores soon...
  • My reward for hitting: 60 lbs down is a new purse (all picked out - 2 lbs to go!) 75 lbs down is a makeup consultation 90 lbs down is a new dress 100 lbs down is a massage And then my big reward is to finish my back tattoo. Probably sometime this summer.
  • Congratulations!!!! You did it the minute you could do it. Don't regret anything - - You could have waited another 5 years but you didn't! You're looking awesome!!!
  • A bale of hay and a human head!!! Sounds like a murder mystery.