GetFit1129 Member


  • You weight loss goals are almost identical to mine. I am 5'3" (use to be 5'4"), I am currently 141 lbs and my goal is 135 then maybe I will want to see 130. Depends. I eat 1200 calories a day on my non work out days and I do eat some of my exercise calories. With the type exercise I do, it is really hard for me to eat all…
  • I use to have panic attacks in WalMart, I did not associate it with the lights though. That does make sense. I even had to stop a Walmart worker one day and she helped me over to the blood pressure machine just so I could sit down. I was freaking! After I sat down and calmed down, I called my husband and he came to WalMart…
  • I love the kettle bell. I have taught several classes using the KB. I am teaching an evening boot camp class and their required equipment is a kettle bell. They are very effective because of the way the weight is distributed.
  • What are you wanting a gym membership for? To take classes, to use the gym equipment, personal trainer, pool access, etc. etc. Once you make your list then research a gym that meets all you want from a gym membership.
  • And...something I forgot to mention. If I am reading into your post correctly. Is your concern not allowing yourself the foods that you may feel deprived of eating? If that is the case, again, body for life (BFL) instructs you to eat off plan one day a week. I have been following BFL since 2003 and now I only allow myself…
  • I am not familiar with the abbreviation? What does that stand for? I know I will be embarrassed when you tell me and I will be like, duh! But, to elaborate on eating what you want as long as you stay within your calorie range is not the ideal thing to do. Why? Because your body processes food to your advantage. What makes…
  • I agree. Once I knew I was not on my death bed, because honestly, some days I really thought I was dieing. You could see my heart beating through my shirt and I was wheeled off to the ER because I had signs of a heart attack/stroke. It was terrible. I have always been a very strong person. I went through a bad first…
  • I have severe panic attacks when I turned 49. I actually thought I was dieing. I was rushed by ambulance to the ER not only once, but four times within 6 months. They sent me to an array of specialist. My last attack I remember all so well. One of the nurses at the dr office pretty told me point blank; you are having panic…
  • Sorry, not Mary. Jayne.
  • Come over to the Menopause group Mary! We can relate, promise!
  • I will never quit logging my food. That is one thing I stress so heavily in the nutrition classes I teach. Log your foods and log your work outs. Logging food is not so much about keeping up with calories and it is just keeping up with what you are eating. I have a special food log I give to my clients. It ask for the food…
  • Why do you think you must be sore? Is that how you measure your progress? Just curious.
  • I allow myself one free meal per week, every week. It jump starts my metabolism and I am never deprived any foods, ever. I follow Body for Life. I love the program!
  • I am not understanding what a diet break is.
  • I log ALL my foods for the day before I leave my house each morning. I am a planner and I know exactly what I am going to eat from the time I get up until I eat my last meal of the day. I teach the principles of the Body for Life program and planning your meals is key with this program. Another reason it is good to log…
  • Back fat or for us women, bra fat! I target this area #1 with diet. #2. Dumbbell Rows #3-Dumbbell pull overs
  • Oh wOw. That is awful!
  • I don't have them often at all. I think it may be the supplements I take and my intense work outs. Not sure. I did have one while standing in line at WalMart one night. Scared the pee pee out of me. All of a sudden head my entire upper body felt like a fiery furnace and I got very light headed. I really thought I was going…
  • LOL. I just read some of this thread and I had to chuckle. There are so many diet plans out there, no wonder everyone is stir crazy over which is right and which is wrong. Let me put it to you as simple as I know how. Quit omitting a food group and start eating a 'balanced' meal plan. Quit dieting and start eating healthy.…
  • Do you allow yourself at least one meal per week to eat whatever you want? If not, everyone needs to do that. Not only will take away feeling deprived some foods that you really love, but it jump starts your metabolism.
  • I smoked for 32 years. You can do this! January 4, 2013 was my four year anniversary of quitting.
  • I didn't introduce myself. My name is Tammy. It is nice sharing with you all. I love reading what you are doing as well that helps get you through this time of a woman's life that can be very frustrating at times. :)
  • I wanted to share with you ladies by my own trial and error, if I omit my carb for my last meal of the day, I feel so much better. I just add another veggie or I double my veggie (1 cup to 2 cups) for my last meal. This is what I found for me personally to work. I am not saying everyone needs to do this. As we approach…
  • I read your profile. I am a runner too. I actually teach 'learn to run' classes. My plan is to run a 1/2 this October then I am going to back off and become a 5k junkie! I am a race director too. I direct five races each year in the town I live in.
  • I am talking about complex carbs. I measure all my food. I have a food scale and I use my measuring cups too.
  • Make sure you know the difference in a complex carb and simple carb. Try and omit simple carbs from your diet. You need complex carbs, those are your energy if you season them healthy and limit them to 1/2 cup per meal. A list of complex carbs are: Potato Sweet potato Yams Squash Pumpkin Steamed brown rice Steamed wild…
  • I think I have my food open to the public if you care to take a peek of it to understand what I mean by balanced.
  • The scale weight has nothing to do with how healthy we are. The only way to be healthy and feel good is eating the right foods at the proper times and combining the proper foods with each meal. And of course, we need a good sound work out routine. All women, but especially women our age need resistance training. The best…
  • I am speaking of a complex carb that you should have with 3 of your meals per day.
  • I am 54 years old and I know all about menopause. That is why I ask about your meals. It will help you tremendously if you balance your meals. Balance I mean: 4 oz protein, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup carbs for three meals per day and then a healthy snack between meals. I promise, if you do this; especially us ladies who are…