EsKezzy Member


  • Curiousgeorgie – Thanks! I didn't even see that there. Nikon – That is a wonderful story. Congratulations on your hard work I have to go to work this morning which means I’m going to have to figure out how/where to squeeze in a workout this evening.
  • Good morning. Planning my day - birthday party for a friend's little girl (and probably amazing Chinese and American foods) and then the rest of the day. Since I only care about Super Bowl if there is a social event going on and we're not going to any this year, I'm going to a Jazzercise class this afternoon instead of…
  • I'm going to try to join you all. I'm aiming to be good at logging into MFP every day this time around. I'm 41 with 3 children. Work part time and full time mom/driver for the children. For exercise, I enjoy jazzercise and long walks/hikes in my neighborhood. I'm aiming to loose about 20 more pounds.