40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • msbettyboop20
    I'm in
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Only 7 pounds from final goal – but plan to stay with MFP for at least another year or more, as I work on maintenance & strength building. Enjoy reading the input provided concerning all areas of weight-loss.

  • LoneStarFit
    49 here so I only have one more year in this club. :smile: Trying to get healthy again and get to my ideal weight.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    49 here so I only have one more year in this club. :smile: Trying to get healthy again and get to my ideal weight.

    You're all set just being over 40 - according to the OP... "We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    Best wishes....
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Dropping in to say hello to all of you. Hope you are well and in good spirits.

    Have a great day
  • mlssalnrd
    Cool kids, you rock. Im home from work, in comfy clothes and it is cold and dark out. Read your posts and you have me motivated to change into gym clothes and haul my *kitten* to gym class. On a slightly different topic, im new to mfp, when I was logging my exercises I noticed that there is no category fr hiit classes and weight training does not count in my diary as calories burned. Wht s up with that?
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Only my second post with the Cool kids but here goes. I just got back on the wagon a week or so ago and had an amazing scale drop!! 8.9 pounds Yeah, I know, mostly water weight, right?

    But I'm hoping SOME of that is actually fat and here is why: I have been doing Strength Cardio (cardio with weights OR weight/resistance training that moves so fast between set that my heart rate stays elevated) and I'm having my "women's time".

    Between those two scenario's I should be retaining water!

    If I'm deluding myself, I guess I'll find out next Wednesday. Meanwhile I need to do my measurements 'cause dang if I'm gonna let the scale rule my life!!!

    *mlssalnrd* I know right! I wear my HRM and create a workout title under cardio to record my calories burned from my weight/strength training. Plus, I update the Note section to record the pertinent info from my workout!!

    Success Ya'll!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    mlssalnrd wrote: »
    Cool kids, you rock. On a slightly different topic, im new to mfp, when I was logging my exercises I noticed that there is no category fr hiit classes and weight training does not count in my diary as calories burned. Wht s up with that?

    I log my lifting as cardio. Just enter it into the search box as weight lifting/strength training.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Hello all!
    Well I was in an all day seminar today at work so the only exercise I was able to get was walking around the building from room to room, which is actually way more than during my normal working day. They provided breakfast & boxed lunches today. I opted to bring my own food, only grabbed a couple of small bananas, coffee, water and the healthiest granola bar they had. Could not believe when I started reading the on granola bars ingredient list, a lot of unknowns so back into the bowl it went. I mustered up the strength to walk past the Tim Horton's muffins and other baked goods they had prior to getting to the coffee and fruit but afterwards felt pretty darn good about it. Normally I would have been like everyone else grabbing a muffin and a couple of other things....that's what got me to where I am now and I need to clean up my eating with having two reactions last month. Third time may not be the charm!
    Kind of looking forward to checking my weight Friday morning, tonight i was still down almost 2lbs and that was after dinner and two walks with the dog.

    Loved reading everyone's posts, inspiring and good to know I'm not the only one rowing this crazy boat.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Only 7 pounds from final goal – but plan to stay with MFP for at least another year or more, as I work on maintenance & strength building. Enjoy reading the input provided concerning all areas of weight-loss.


    DEFINITELY stay here when you are maintaining. It might be easier for you, I dont know, but that has been the hardest part for me. I have been at goal weight since 2008 about 4 times and when I get too comfortable I need to lose the same 10+lbs again and again... Make sure you have a good maintenance plan in place!!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    49 here so I only have one more year in this club. :smile: Trying to get healthy again and get to my ideal weight.

    Stay with us!! I am 51 and not going anywhere...LOL Well, sometimes I take a break but come back. :)

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    3furballs, you look great!!! When I am weighed anywhere else but my house, naked, as soon as I wake up I dont pay that much attention to it. If you weigh yourself even on the same scale on different times of the day you will go NUTS!!!! Dont worry about it. It sounds like you might need to tweak your diet a little bit. By diet I mean your nutrition,the things you eat and how much you eat. It sounds like you workout a lot, you might not be eating enough. Try to focus on clean foods, when you say low carbs, do you mean low grains etc? Load up on veggies, fruit, lean meats, fish, nuts, etc.

    Caramel, nice to see your smiley face!!!

    Most of you know I do intermittent fasting, well sometimes. I normally do 16:8. I did 20:4 today. It was brutal towards the end. I intended to do 24 hrs today but couldnt. This is something that I like especially when I am in a plateau. It works for me. Look into it. There is also a nice group of IFers here in MFP. I went swimming this morning, I did 30 minutes. It was glorious!!! I was able to do 15 laps in a row, without stopping. I met a really nice lady, maybe in her late 60's, a great swimmer. They motivate me sooo much!! Beautiful day here, in the 80's. Sorry for those in the east coast.

    Good night!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    Got my lifting in and done. BOOM!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I think I'm just going to stay the course for another month, keep the goal at the 1300 and put in my exercise and see if there is change. I have a sweet tooth and like to have a treat at night and some beers on the weekend and I'm not quite ready to give that up since I work out so much. I'm trying to up my protein and cut down to one hot chocolate/coffee a day. Just hate that I was eating ice cream every day for months and maintaining my weight, now I've cut it out and eventually gained and now am having trouble losing! I know it'll probably start happening when I stop stressing about it.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Seems like we just keep growing! Today was a Jake day for me. Lots of running around my house(it goes in one big circle) and playing with trains for me this morning! Tomorrow is gym day and hopefully Saturday as well.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning kids hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Last night I had that surge of energy that only the gym could curb. I trained 1 hour with PT and then took a 15 minute break and then went back into the torture chamber...I mean PT room and took extreme fit. My classmates wanted to know what in the world had I taken. When those surges of energy hit me like that, I have to shake it. We had the option to run a quarter mile on the tread or take a run outside. I ran outside soaking wet and that air was crisp and pushed me into a second wind. I told the instructor his music was powerful enough for the class and we put on my playlist and then the real games began. Jumping rope to eye of the tiger is way more motivating than Blink 182. Another trainer came in and said that must be Kym's playlist..lol...I can not work out to bubble gum pop music. 2 hours later I was still hungry for more and rode the eliptical for 20 minutes, went to the grocery store and then I finally starting to calm. WHAT A RUSH FOLKS!!!!!!

    We are growing by leaps and bounds which is great.

    In conclusion, "If it important you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse"
  • EsKezzy
    EsKezzy Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to try to join you all. I'm aiming to be good at logging into MFP every day this time around.
    I'm 41 with 3 children. Work part time and full time mom/driver for the children.
    For exercise, I enjoy jazzercise and long walks/hikes in my neighborhood.
    I'm aiming to loose about 20 more pounds.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning all of you cool kids!
    So many new voices! Very cool.
    JackieU, aren't those seminars crazy with the food? At least there's usually some pieces of fruit, but most everything is so sugar-laden. It sounds like you did an amazing job of choosing well.
    Sherrie, I'll cross my fingers that your next weigh-in proves you right!
    Caramel, what a crazy, and very awesome, episode! You went super-sonic!
    Nick, the snow sounds great to me! It's great to hear that you'e getting out into it. Sorry about the DD's flu. She's probably bummed to miss out on the sledding.
    Alf, 15 straight laps is great! We just joined our local gym, and B has started swimming. I haven't figured out yet how to schedule it, but I think it's such a great overall exercise!
    Beeps, of course you did!
    3furballs, that was insightful that stressing over it might be the issue! I'm sure you'll hit your groove and start to lose. 1300 calories seems reasonable for your goals. That's about what I'm eatin too.
    KS, enjoy your gym and Jake days!

    I'm going to the Hard CORE workout at lunch again today. My abs are so sore from Tuesday! I went to yoga last night hoping for a workout, but it was just very relaxed stretching. Nice, but no calories left behind in the studio. I'll try tonight's class and see if it's a little more challenging. Next Tuesday I meet with a personal trainer to craft a plan for strength training. I can't afford a PT routinely, but hopefully this one meeting will set me up to do my own thing in the gym. I'll have my bicycle back next week for commuting, AND a new motorcycle helmet that doesn't fog up in the cold. Then I can ride Buttercup to work when I don't bicycle! Yeah!

    Make it a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all, just popping in to say "hello". have been very busy with month end work and preparing for our annual Women's Health Gala, BnB guest and DIL's baby shower. When it rains it pours!
    Had planned to get to exercise class last night and arrived an hour late! for some reason, I thought it was at 6:15. Argh! I ended up doing a 35min treadmill run - nothing in comparison to carmel's workout! Wowzer!! That was epic.
    Not sure what I am going to get in tonight, but I did bring my workout clothes just in case!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    I woke up thinking it was Friday. I hate when I do that!

    Caramel and Curious, can I borrow some of your energy?! Caramel, I feel the same way about music and exercising. One of my favorite songs to walk to is Stevie Wonder's Higher Ground. Perfect beat to step ratio.

    Will be going out to lunch today. I'm planning to have a big ol' cheesy burrito. I've been doing really good with my eating the last few weeks (staying under my allotted calories and eating lots of veggies, fruit, beans, turkey, fish, yogurt, etc.), so I can afford it.

    We actually have some sun today. I think I will take a walk around the state capitol building later this afternoon. I need to get back in the habit of going for a long walk every day.

    Back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone!