40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Congratulations fay!!!!! :drinker: Great job on your 5km. :happy:

    Busy day today. Had to haul wood for DH today as he had to work. Then, needed to get my canvassing done, so off I went door to door. Not a great day for it as it was so stormy today. but, I got it done. :happy:
    Long run done. :happy:

    Working on my water. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    ....time change....may kill me....

    ...today I lift....I'm feeling ZERO energy, though...
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday! I thought I was going to get by unscathed with the time change, but I had a hard time getting to sleep last night and didn't want to get up this morning to head to the gym. I did manage to drag my butt out of bed and did my workout, but I am dragging now! Ugh! Good workout though!

    Busy weekend. Meeting and workout on Saturday, and yesterday My DH took me out for a nice lunch and then did some shopping for Jacob. Fun!

    Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    KellySue - you give me hope that a work-out will help with this lacklustre feeling....
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome Kimberly!

    Was told at my appointment for my vein treatment Friday that I can do mild walking and elliptical but no squats/leg work so I did make it to the gym today and ended up doing 20 minute walk and upper body lifts. Felt good.

    I for one am happy it's Monday, I do SO much better with food management when I'm at work! Not that I did too poorly this weekend but just not as structured as when I'm at work.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Monday! :yawn: hoping the coffee kicks in soon... that hour sucked the life outta me this morning as well.

    alf & KellySue - thanks! the pic is forgiving :tongue: I have tonnes of stretch marks... I say I am a tiger who has earned her stripes! :wink: Loose skin hanging around too, probably never going to be completely gone without surgery but I'm ok with that... it will tighten over time, or so many who have lost 100+ pounds have said. I just want to see my belly button again one day, lol.

    Ruby - hope you are feeling better and the meds are clearing up your pneumonia... what a horrible feeling that must be.

    Fay - Woot!! that's a great 5k first time... the first of many I am sure!

    I enjoyed a night out on Friday with my gf, a nice dinner and some much needed laughs. I have booked my movers and have got some boxes so yesterday I started packing the things that hardly gets used. I also ended up with 2 boxes of things to go to Value Village. I am looking forward to purging a whole lot more too... getting lighter in more ways than one!

    Hope this sleepy morning picks up for everyone and have an awesome week ahead!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Gawd, why can't I just stop shoveling food into my mouth????

    This seems SO impossible these days!!

    Where is the Beeps from January?!?!? I just KILLED it that month!

    I am WAY off my game...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Man, I've been a busy but tired bee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this daylight savings time crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never get used to it. Ugh!!!! LOL I really don't know how I managed a one hour long lifting session this morning and a Zumba class tonight. I am ready to crash!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son, my baby!!! is at camp since yesterday until Wed. I miss him!!!! It is spring break here, not a nice one weather wise right now but it should get better at the end of the week.

    whatabroad, well, I don't see any. But I am sure we see them since it is our bodies...some people tell me they don't see mine. You look great anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an inspiration you are!!!

    Beeps, hang in there!!!! I know it is tough, some months are better than others. And you just recently came back from vacation...I am the same way, it takes some time to adjust.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I know this daylight savings time SUCKS! I hate it too. I am soooo tired. I am going to bed here soon.

    I thought I would be ready to hit the weights this week but I do not have the strength yet. My DH has asked me to try to hold off on the weights this week and do some lighter cardio until my illness is doing better. I decided that is probably a good idea. The doctor has me on a strong antibiotic for 14 days. The Chalene Extreme program pushes me to muscle fatigue so I will listen to my DH & wait until Sunday to start over with week # 2 of the program. I was not ready for a set back so soon.:sad:

    Fay - awesome on your 5k time. That is awesome and your training paid off.:drinker:

    Beeps - that same thing happens to me when I go on vacation, it is like I check out of my routine and have a really hard time getting back on track. I think it is hard because after the vacation is done I feel like I don't have the goal pushing me to try to lose that extra to feel great on vacation (especially those beach vacations). Maybe try to set another special date or goal you have to get yourself back on track.

    Alf - I know how feel with your son gone. It is so hard to let go when they are growing up. I am not good at that at all.

    Whatabroad - glad to hear you had some cheer with your GF. In time things will get better!!! Way to go on starting to get some of your packing done ahead of time and getting organized. Purge away GF.:smile:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello Cool Kids,

    Beeps, hoping you get back on your game real quick! I sure know that feeling and it is not a good one. Hang in, I know you will get back on track real soon.

    Alf, aww, it is tough to let the kids go, but in the end, everyone usually benefits from a bit of time apart. As long as he is happy going and has a great time.

    Ruby, I think your plan of laying off the lifting for a bit longer is a smart move. Go easy on the cardio too. You will know how hard to push by how you are feeling. My poor husband is now suffering from a terrible cold, right on the heels of his terrible fever.
    Docs never did figure it out, but was SO happy to hear they ruled out leukaemia & lymphoma. :bigsmile:

    whatabroad - your pic is amazing! I so want a before / after picture that you can see such results!! Fantastic work!

    Nice - I am so with you on the work week and food management!!! OMG, the weekends through me way off MY game!

    Got my strength workout in tonight. Took me a while to work it in. The day and evening got away from me.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Jake ended up coming to my house this morning. Wasn't exactly the morning I had planned, but any time with my grandson is a good time!

    Alf- I know how it is when the kids are gone. Mine are both married now, but you still miss not having them around all the time.

    I have to say that I have not done well this morning in regards to eating- I had to run to the store and get milk for Jake and my DH wanted an apple fritter. I caved and ended up buying and eating one for myself. :grumble: They smelled soooo good and I couldn't resist. Oh Well, I guess it's all a part of life. :ohwell: I am going to try to walk at lunch today to get rid of some of my guilt.

    Have a good one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I do need to post goals....and then I need to FOLLOW-THROUGH....

    1. DRINK MORE WATER. I realize that, due to stingers in finger-tips, pants up/down in washroom breaks has become challenging....so, I avoided all my drinking! Too bad....because I need to get back to 12-16 glasses per day. Bottom line, I EAT LESS WHEN I DRINK MORE.

    2. BRUSH MY TEETH. A lot. Often. For whatever reason, this really helps me NOT eat.

    3. USE PROTEIN SHAKES. It is a complete b*tch that as soon as I "go off" protein shakes/bars, in favour of "real food", I EAT TOO MUCH. I guess that is just the way it is, with me....and while the "clean-eating" folks might not like it, I prefer a LOWER weight and if it takes FAKE food for me to get there....so be it.

    The end.

    (PS - I am back to 1,400 calories per day - or 9,800 per week....as I suspected, when I go ABOVE that, I just maintain or I gain....NO BUENO.)
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Any over 40 lifters around? Looking for some thoughts and your plan you use if any. I'm currently using Jim Stoppani's Shred workout but only 3 days a week.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Got that lunch time walk in! It is super fabulous outside today. It's like 50 degrees (f) here. It is hard to believe that we are supposed to get a nasty storm full of snow and mixed garbage tomorrow. Maybe it will skip right over us....maybe?
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone! I can feel Spring in the air too!!! I was starting to think the only clothes I own are sweaters. LOL, what do I wear now?:laugh:

    Austin - I am doing the Chalene Extreme workout with adjustable dumbbells. It has been great for me because you set your weights to your own max.

    Later Kids!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    TFaustino - I'm an >40 lifter....have you tried the Adonis program?? It is the male-counterpart to the lifting program (Venus) that I do.

    I have only ingested 250 cals today! Woohoo!!! A couple hours until supper and I'll probably finish off at about 1,000. Like.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!! Thank you for your encouraging words. Most of you might not know but my baby is 20 yrs old (21 in May) and he is severely autistic and MR. He does like going to this particular camp for people with disabilities. He has been going there for a while now. I just miss the little noises he makes, the house is quiet without him. The good thing, we pick him up tomorrow!! :drinker:

    Tfaustino, I am a 50yr old lifter, at least I consider myself a lifter, I am doing now Lou Schuler's New Rules of Lifting Supercharged. You are probably looking for a male lifter to correspond with...
    Beeps, I fasted last Friday until dinner,(from 7pm the night before) I only had some carrots with hummus before going to a meeting at work. I did Bikram fasted, I always do. I am planning on repeating it this coming Friday.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I give you ladies credit for being able to fast like that. I had to fast for blood work this morning and that just about sent me into a tail spin. My blood sugar drops so quickly sometimes. No fun! Because I had to get blood work done- no work out today. I am at work, but only for a few hours. We are closed due to the weather and it is supposed to continue to get worse this afternoon so I am planning on leaving, hopefully, around noon time.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    No, alf, I didn't realize the challenges your son has! I'm glad you have some upcoming reunion time. When I practised bikram, I didn't go in fasted....I usually ate a banana about 1 hour before. But, if I was to practice bikram today, I would give going into it "fasted" as a go.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    KellySue - you are diabetic, correct?? No, I don't think fasting is a workable solution for a diabetic....however, you are obviously EATING LESS, since your weight has come down so dramatically....and that can only happen on the calories in being LESS than calories out formula!
