

  • ashleydmassey You are so great, that's exactly how I feel! I've eaten 1000 calories so far today in an effort to up my intake and I am so full and sick feeling. :( I will maintain my 1200 for the month (thanks Pu!) and if that doesn't help I will up it to 1400. I think everybody's body is different, and I just can't push…
  • louisvillejg Drinking more water sounds like a plan! I'll do that. RachRice29 Yesss, it really sounds like a good idea, I'll try boosting my intake by 100-200 calories. :) QuietRain I think I'll measure myself today, I've been meaning to, thank you! denezy Haha, my only concern is that I haven't been losing at the same…
  • Oh my, I seem to have worded that horribly, sorry everybody. The 8kg I lost took me 2 months, I was losing about 1kg a week when I was trying my hardest (I really like food). It's only recently that I've been dipping. To everyone suggesting eating 100-200 calories more, that was actually something I was considering! To…
  • Thank you for the intelligent post, it helped me a lot.
  • I'm 19, and this is my weight-loss specific tumblr! :)