Am I being impatient?



  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    If 1200 calories a day is not appropriate, why does myfitnesspal give you that as a food goal? It would be better if it just came on and told you that what you want to achieve is unrealistic, wouldn't it?
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    If 1200 calories a day is not appropriate, why does myfitnesspal give you that as a food goal? It would be better if it just came on and told you that what you want to achieve is unrealistic, wouldn't it?

    I believe MFP does flash up warnings relating to eating less than BMR. The users are free to ignore the warnings.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Yes you are being impatient!! Give it a month at least.

    Edited to add: holy crap I just looked at your diary. How the heck can you honestly keep track of your calories with a whole diary full of Quick adds.

    Be honest and take the time to log your food correctly, otherwise this will not work for you.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You've lost over 17 pounds in 2 weeks and you think that's slow? WTF are you expecting then, may I ask? If you mean you've lost 17 pounds so far but over the last 2 weeks it's been slow, then that's a different story.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    8 kgs in 2 weeks that is over 17 lb in 2 weeks. That means you have definitely not eaten 1200 kcal a day, because that is what I do and even I lost a crazy amount of weight (12 lb) and that is only because I just started + I had MANY below days too.

    Your diary seems to be showing lots around 700 kcal. This is starvation mode and - as your post already shows - you are very close to losing patience - and giving up after that...

    You will need to make a longer term commitment (think for example, "all they way until summer") and a higher calorie intake.
  • Oh my, I seem to have worded that horribly, sorry everybody. The 8kg I lost took me 2 months, I was losing about 1kg a week when I was trying my hardest (I really like food). It's only recently that I've been dipping. To everyone suggesting eating 100-200 calories more, that was actually something I was considering! To those who are unhappy with my 'ignorance' etc. please accept my apologies, I'm simply very full a lot of the time, I eat a lot of things during the day and sometimes I just can't stuff it in before I go to bed. I understand that you are only being caring, but I'm not the kind of person the starve myself, I have enough issues with people that think that's okay, and I don't need 5+ people telling me the same thing. Another thing is, despite my running twice a week, the rest of the time I spend motionless.

    And uh, just for the record, wow, this site is active! Thanks everybody for the replies, it really replenishes my hope to see so many people that would devote some time to helping someone out.

    In response to the past week, I actually haven't been feeling well, when it's 'my time' if you know what I mean, I get very bloated and don't eat well. It is actually quite sweet of you to actually check it out for me, haha, turns out it was just an inconvenient time for me to post this in relation to my diet the past week.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    What you eat is only the half of it. If you only run 2 days a week, try changing up your workout. Add in some Strength training, or a different form of Cardio. Once your body gets used to a work out regimen then it doesn't have to work as hard to burn calories, which results in fewer calories burned.

    Keep your body guessing by changing up your exercise routine every 3-4 workouts.

    Good luck!
  • sylvabelle89
    sylvabelle89 Posts: 61 Member
    That makes more sense lol. Well, I can attest to upping your intake. It works. Just try it for a few weeks and see what kinda results you get. Also, since you are pretty sedentary 1200 makes a world of sense...but how about exercising 30 min every other day & change your settings to lightly active.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    If 1200 calories a day is not appropriate, why does myfitnesspal give you that as a food goal? It would be better if it just came on and told you that what you want to achieve is unrealistic, wouldn't it?

    If MFP told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

    But seriously.... I don't know why it does, but it is crap, and I wish they could change that. It's a bad system. And MFP is not God, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being wrong.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Incase you didn't see my edit. You need to log your calories properly. A page full of quick adds tells you nothing when you have the next OMG I'm not losing weight freakout. Be honest log everything that goes in your mouth, good and bad.
  • louisvillejg
    Drinking more water sounds like a plan! I'll do that.

    Yesss, it really sounds like a good idea, I'll try boosting my intake by 100-200 calories. :)

    I think I'll measure myself today, I've been meaning to, thank you!

    Haha, my only concern is that I haven't been losing at the same rate as usual, that is all. I am calm. :)

    Heheh! Don't be fooled, I calculate the calories very specifically, and because I'm mostly eating fruit and vegetables, I excuse the other nutritional measurements.

    I actually love strength training! I really should get into it more, thank you for posting. :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Incase you didn't see my edit. You need to log your calories properly. A page full of quick adds tells you nothing when you have the next OMG I'm not losing weight freakout. Be honest log everything that goes in your mouth, good and bad.

    Exactly this. Whatever advice you get today is useless until you start logging everything you eat and drink, logging your exercise, and following the MFP plan ( which means you eat back exercise cals). Eat more? - what I think doesn't matter. Do less cardio and more heavy lifting? - what I think doesn't matter. Be successful? - check tickers for what has worked for people before you tell them not to advise you. Good luck!!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I also started on 1200 cals, lost for a while then stopped for weeks. Thankfully I found the following website, upped my calories and started losing weight again:

    There is definitely an easy way and a hard way to do this. I choose the easy way when it comes to eating.

    At least read through, do the calculations and see what it says before making any decisions on the advice that people are giving.

    Most importantly, this all takes time and is a big learning curve, Its not a race, its a lifestyle.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Yes you are being impatient!! Give it a month at least.

    Edited to add: holy crap I just looked at your diary. How the heck can you honestly keep track of your calories with a whole diary full of Quick adds.

    Be honest and take the time to log your food correctly, otherwise this will not work for you.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    no one should ever be at 1200 calories.

    use this to figure out your BMR and TDEE.

    your BMR is the bare minimum that you should be eating for your age, height, and weight. it is your basal metabolic rate, which is the bare minimum of calories you need if you were just laying in bed.

    Your TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. it is what you burn on a daily bases based on your activity.

    i like to take my TDEE that is at lightly active and subtract 20-10% for weight loss. i don't add exercise calories, but i don't worry too much about going a few hundred calories over my daily goal, because it all balances out.

    your body works on a weekly basis, rather then a day-to-day basis. this means that if you go over your calories by 500 on monday, and then on tuesday and wednesday you are under by 250 each day, it all balances out.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I am six to seven months in and I still maintain around the 1200 calories (and sometimes less) in my diet and I still lose weight, and I don't feel like I'm starving. There are times my weight really dips and other times it stalls. It has been the norm for me once I lost the initial 15 pounds. I was stuck on one weight for about three weeks, then I dropped five pretty quickly. In the end, it all tends to balance out. Patience is key for sure. I know it can be frustrating, but if you stick with what has worked for you, it will continue to work for you. I have recently increased my exercise to working out most days of the week. (no less than five but up to six) I was only doing three days a week before. Even if you aren't losing weight per se, you still might be losing inches. That was the case for me when I stalled last. Give it time. Live the lifestyle and you will be rewarded.
  • StacyCond
    StacyCond Posts: 13 Member
    My best advise: incorporate a "cheat day".

    I lost 63lbs eating between 1,200 - 1,800 calories/day (I eat more when I'm biking in the summer). My best advise is to incorporate a "cheat day." The next day, you will weigh more (of course) but with my personal experience -- I'm NOT an expert -- I would start losing weight again after that.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Exercise a bit more. You need to drink lots. Do not kid yourself that it is okay to eat less - your brain does not feel good without the right amount of blood sugar. If you feel low, you eat more.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    no one should ever be at 1200 calories.

    use this to figure out your BMR and TDEE.

    your BMR is the bare minimum that you should be eating for your age, height, and weight. it is your basal metabolic rate, which is the bare minimum of calories you need if you were just laying in bed.

    Your TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. it is what you burn on a daily bases based on your activity.

    i like to take my TDEE that is at lightly active and subtract 20-10% for weight loss. i don't add exercise calories, but i don't worry too much about going a few hundred calories over my daily goal, because it all balances out.

    your body works on a weekly basis, rather then a day-to-day basis. this means that if you go over your calories by 500 on monday, and then on tuesday and wednesday you are under by 250 each day, it all balances out.


    and SQUAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *among other things
  • gillianjoon
    gillianjoon Posts: 96 Member
    From the few entries you entered into your diary you are certainly not eating 1200 cals a day the 2 or 3 days that were complete you were 300 cals under, yes you will lose weight quickly at first but then your body doesnt know what you are doing to it so its gone into stravation mode so up your calories and you will soon start losing again I know you dont want to hear that but its the truth.