

  • woot woot!!! hurray for u 2 and ty for being so honest bout that...nothing wrong with a little experimentation and good old fashion (with a twist if i may add :devil: ) fun!!! ur husband must be one lucky guy grats again 2 u both! TY
    in Fashion Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • i wish u the best of luck , but i alrdy believe ur gonna do great and even better now that ur part of the mfp family :wink: GL to all of u!!
    in Nooblit =) Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • thats awesome to hear and grats with all ur fun and OMG 2 30 days!!!! what a trooper ur bf must be one happy guy :devil: for the record how "pumped" up are u guys after a wii active exercise...um wait not sure how pg that is never mind but yeah continued success to all of u wii active members is there a club for us??? :huh:
    in Wii Active Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • WII FIT+$100+= Epic Failure during this economy lol but i'll take ur word if it does work out abs. i might nickel and dime it for a bit + trade + a game stop blood drive for extra cash :laugh: and ladies maybe u can help me with this question...WHAT THE HELL IS A PLANK? i saw it as an ab exercise and felt so lost clue me…
    in Wii Active Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • WELCOME! gl with everything and we'll cyas around!!
    in New Here! Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • WELCOME! gl with everything and we'll cyas around!!
    in New Here! Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • SOLD! i'll be checking them ty for the tip!! and now if i can only get the wii active to give me some damn ab exercises lmao
    in Wii Active Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • okay gonna try thing and hope it works ... =)
  • yeah omg i so dont believe the calorie counter on that thing b/c i to sweat up a storm and that darn thing clicks so slow lol ...and whats a HRM i'd be interested in using that if it gives me the correct count. oh god something else i'll have to attach to my self. besides my knee brace, wii leg strap and maybe soon a HRM…
    in Wii Active Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • funny story bout the wii active...as i was working out one day (bicep curls lol) the wii stretch band broke so i had to go out and buy the thick rubber tubbing kind so that id have a better challenge and more resistance with my work outs :laugh: i've been to gyms , parks, and use my wii active and they all have their pros…
    in Wii Active Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • not sure how this works...like do respond to u guys in here after many ppl have responded but i'll cut in now to say ty for ur support and kind words. gl to u both and everyone in here :bigsmile: <---just learned how to do that btw hehe
    in Nooblit =) Comment by rcotto25 June 2009
  • i'm a guy and from what i know about women i can honestly say i know very little b/c a women can be so in touch with their emotions and yet feel so bad about themselves...i only wish that women could see how beautiful they really are to us bf's and hubbies from the inside out. and i do wish i could do more to help my wife…