nabali Member


  • Congratulations to you ! I'm also pregnant (10 weeks on saturday), and looking for MFP buddies to stay motivated. My biggest challenge has been that I'm getting much more hungrey than usual, and I had a huge energy drop in the first two months. I have keept up my running, but of course at a much lower phase, and no more…
  • I quite 2 years ago and didn't gain a pound for like 12 months. I did indeed up my cardio by a lot, so that might be it (app. +30 minutes more per workout compared to when I was smoking and couldn't do high intensity cardio for very long time). Smoking might get your heart beat up for a little while because your poor body…
  • I would love to think that I'm on the "I will do it" step, but I think it's more one foot on "I can do it" and another on "I will do it". Does that count?
  • Thanks guys! So nice of you answering so fast! The hermit lifestyle I do know. I did it before the wedding, but it has a tendency of sucking all the "fun" out of your life when you always have to say "No" to everything! This time I might do the clean eating thing. It appeals to me (even though I'm not very good with high…