I'm new, pregnant and need accountability buddies!

Hi all!

I've pretty recently found out that I'm pregnant, 11 w 2 d, and my EDD is 9/20/2014 and I couldn't be more excited!

I've really slacked off the past couple of weeks because I've been so tired or sick, but my energy levels have come back to normal and morning sickness is finally leveling off, so I need some accountability/workout buddies to keep me motivated and to keep me from slacking off during this exciting time of my life. The majority of my workouts have been running and I had been running marathons and half marathons for a good 3 years prior to getting pregnant. Now, I'm trying to get more into other exercises as well (workout DVDs, swimming, yoga, etc) If anybody is interested, just send a request or reply to this post and I'll send you one! I look forward to "meeting" you all.


  • treepeters
    treepeters Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you.
    I'm also glad to hear your morning sickness is lessening.
    This is a special time. Keep taking good care of yourself and listening to your body.
    It's so great that you've already been working out for so long. I think that helps a lot.
    I'm looking into finding a beginning yoga dvd myself... so if you find something great I'd love to hear about it.
    I keep meaning to remember how to work the Wii fit...
    I'm sending you a friend request...

  • nabali
    nabali Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations to you ! I'm also pregnant (10 weeks on saturday), and looking for MFP buddies to stay motivated. My biggest challenge has been that I'm getting much more hungrey than usual, and I had a huge energy drop in the first two months.
    I have keept up my running, but of course at a much lower phase, and no more interval training for me for a while.
    I'm also trying to get into the swimming and yoga, but I find it difficult because I don't feel the same well being as after a good long run. I will add you and hope we can motivate each other.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Hi!!! Congrats :) I am 26 weeks and 4 days along. I definitely did not have any energy until I hit 20 weeks, and that's when I started working out again. So far, so good! I usually do 45 min per day of low impact aerobics and I feel so much better. Just take it easy on yourself and don't get discouraged if you are very fatigued. It's all very normal! Concentrate on putting good food into your body and really just enjoying it all as much as you can! :)
  • TheMadHatter209
    TheMadHatter209 Posts: 18 Member
    20 weeks 4 days here !! so hard to eat heathy like i did a few ago !