My downfall is sugar. I'm down to just 2cups of coffee a day with the real stff in it. Then one or teo with sweet and low. I gained so much weight with the sugar. Willwe meer online and where for tips and such. When i say the real stuff note my signon is sugaf with coffee like creamy syrup.
Very inzpirationzl. You've been on a mission keep goong!
Iwas thinking the same thing! This was my first time responding to a post. I think her responses are so positive
Exactly the same for me. Hate pictures
180. Pdetite, tho so felt like a slug lost for awhile down to 165. Feltbetter. Back up to 177. Yikes. Don' t feel attractive. Makesfeeling sexy impossible. Excuse?dunno. Working on it. This site makes you think about the crap you put in your body. Reward? That cute little nightie like ones i used to wear in my 20s. Look…