elisabeisme Member


  • Definitely try eBay. money has been tight for me this year so I've been selling my old clothes on eBay in order to get the money to buy new clothes in my smaller size. I had some beautiful designer suits which fetched a decent price. Sad to see them go, but I never want to be that size again. Jeans also got a good price…
  • There's a researcher from the University of Vienna's Centre of Sport Sciences and University Sports, in Austria who claims that consistently wearing high heels reduces calf muscles by 13% and increases tendon thickness by 22%. It would make sense that the designer footwear industry is designing boots for models with calf…
  • 1. Did you make it at home or buy it out? Most likely cause would be a sanitation/freshness issue at the establishment. 2. On the other hand, the literature says we develop a gut flora based on the types of nutrients we feed it. That's why some people find it easier to do a gradual shift rather than a dramatic shift.…
  • I would like to lose 6 pounds by Christmas. That would put me at 149.
  • I would identify the largest sodium drivers in your diet and try to find alternatives for those. For salad dressing, try cutting it half and half with other stuff like olive oil, balsamic, juice, lemon, or milk (depending on the flavor). I also add green onion, celery, parsley or other herbs to my salad because those help…
  • Thanks Solo - all very sensible advice. Do you run in the city parks at night? do you mind if I ask which ones and how late you feel comfortable?
  • Hi gabby - where in NYC do you swim? I was swimming at the public pools during the summer but now they are closed. boo.
  • so, I realize you are trolling, but.... I believe in evolution. I believe that the earth is round and that the earth revolves around the sun (not the other way around). As for homosexually, it is not "increasing" but has been widely present throughout the course of human existence:…
  • When I lived downtown, I used to do my jogging along the East River. I loved running along the water with the ocean breezes coming in. The runners in the East River Park are a nice low-key group and I enjoyed passing the soccer players and such. There is a also a really nice running track and a cool bandstand where I did…
  • that's a question that warrants a check in with your doctor. There are lots of simple reasons for dizziness ( like a vitamin deficiency) or it could just be your body needing to re-adjust. On the other hand, it's also a sign of some heart issues so it's better to check it out to make sure it's not something more. I have…
  • I tend to be lethargic when I'm sad. I'm also more inclined to skip my workout or cut it short. I'm sure I burn less.
  • I work at a computer and workout over an hour 5-6 days a week. I keep my activity level to sedentary and then log my workouts. I'm very quantitatively-oriented so I find it motivating to see the extra calories from working out. I like to see that running an extra 15 minutes is making progress in a numerical way. If I upped…
  • I generally hate things that target the core, abs and obliques because I'm weak there and breathing is harder with the diaphragm so close. Cable machine side pulls or wood choppers are the worst. Yuck!
  • I don't know but the hunger does seem to come in cycles like that for me too. I also get worse hunger if I my diet has been carb heavy. Sometimes I can break the hunger cycle with a high protein/high fat period of time.
  • I'm not a great sleeper so I've tried it all. for melatonin, try one of the time released capsules. I use the sublingual tabs to help me get to sleep, but sometimes I wake up very early morning when it wears off. I need to get some more time released ones because those work better when I need a full 8-9 hours. is your…
  • why don't you shift your IF window to 5pm-11pm?
  • what's your objective when replacing the cereal? a lower calorie option? a higher protein option? something habitual to break the middle of the night eating habit? for lower calories - veggies (carrots, celery, cauliflower peppers,etc) already cut up and ready for snacking might help. you could portion them into a cereal…
  • yup - my female friends definitely react differently too based on their level personal confidence. One girl friend's reaction has been "you look so awesome. I can't wait to play dress up with your new body. let's go shopping together. how fun!" Another one's reaction has been "does it bother you that you're losing your…
  • I definitely experience a difference and it's not just internal. I'm over 60 pounds down, but still 15-20 pounds from goal. I don't think the world is just reacting to more happiness radiating out of my pores because I actually experience the biggest difference in treatment when I'm NOT in a pleased or open or welcoming…
  • 19 pounds in 3 months? that's not slowly at all -- that's a nice healthy pace! Congrats! keep doing what you're doing!
  • pork chops are usually cheap at my grocery store. I also see the often liquid egg whites on sale. They last really well in the freezer so when you see them on sale, buy a bunch of cartons and stick them in your freezer. The good thing about liquid egg whites is that they can be mixed into other cheap food to up the protein…
  • <5000 steps/day = sedentary I would set your base as sedentary and then log/eat back your treadmill workouts.
  • I'm 5'4", 157 pounds, 42 yrs old Based on my actual results (MFP data/spreadcshee calculations), my BMR before exercise is approximately 1700 cals and my TDEE is around 1900. Except for actual workouts, my lifestyle is sedentary (work from home/computer). My workouts are a combination of cardio days (500-600 cals),…
  • Actually, this is false. The NY Times did some research and found out exactly the opposite. The more expensive the brand, the LESS likely they are to have vanity pricing. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/25/business/25sizing.html For example, among Gap brands Banana Republic (more expensive brand) is sized smaller than Old…
  • This rough estimate formula sounds like the right ball park for maintenance. It jibes with my spring plateau experience at 165 pounds ("overweight" category for my height of 5'4" according to BMI). 12 x 165 lbs = 1980 calories During my plateau, I maintained that weight (duh), while netting 1891 and grossing 2067. At the…
  • 5'4" 157 lbs. size 12 US (16 UK) waist 32" hips 42" I recently went shopping and tried on some 10s. I could zip them up (barely) but it created a seam splitting/muffin top look that wasn't pretty at all! The 12s fit perfectly. I shop at Macy's and was size 12 across all brands I tried like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Ralph…
  • I had my body fat measured by a doctor about ten years ago. At the time I was doing practically zero exercise except for a tiny bit of walking. The doc was worried because my weight had been creeping up over the years from being such a sloth. My stats were: Age 33 5'4" weight 179 LBM 121.8 BF 62.8 (35.1%) I used to swim in…
  • When I switched from the elliptical to running outside for some of my cardio, I found two issues arose: 1. my Achilles tendons are tighter than I realized. The elliptical doesn't stretch them out as much unless you've been good about using an incline setting (I tended to use resistence more) 2. I have a bit of "Morton's…