

  • I lost 10% in about a month and a half, but that was at the beginning of my weightloss journey. I was really gun-ho about it and counted calories like crazy. Since then I've been on a plateau, but if you have determination and commitment to count those calories and not to exceed it, it is doable.
  • Hey Sarah, I'm Jenny. I also have about 60lbs to lose. I'm pregnant right now, but I due any day now. I set up myfitnesspal so that I can jump in as soon as possible after our daughter gets here. I've gained about 30lbs during the pregnancy and was originally 30-35lbs overweight to begin with. I hoping to lose the…
    in Hi! I'm new Comment by jenvrmr May 2012
  • Hello, I'm also looking to lose about 60lbs. I can't start just yet though because I'm pregnant, but due any day now. I hope to jump on the weight loss train soon. I gained about 30lbs during this pregnancy and I was already about 30-35lbs overweight to begin with. Add me and we can help support each other to lose this…