colleenp2803 Member


  • Me!! I'm 5'11" and around 215 or 220.. I refuse to get on the scale because I've worked my butt off and the scales are barely moving. I am seeing improvments with my measurements.. so I keep focusing on that... I am in a size 14-16 and have never worn anything below a size 12.. I'm looking for buddies to keep me going ..…
  • I am 6' 220 lbs.. I can't seem to find the right balance with what the app says I'm supposed to eat and being able to lose weight. Can't find the right calorie place in order to really start losing weight.
  • Rachel, I am with you.. I am 5'11" and 214 pounds.. If I get below 170 I look sickly.. but I am striving to get to 170.. working my tail off and coming off oh so sllooowwww.
  • I teach Classes, I attend other Zumba classes and I practice at home.. I haven't ever done any of the DVDs..but 3 years now have been hooked on Zumba!!