Anyone else 6'3 225 pounds?

are these calculators accurate? I workout about 4 times a week and it has me on 2500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week. Would like to hear what you other large folks have experienced with this.


  • colleenp2803
    colleenp2803 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 6' 220 lbs.. I can't seem to find the right balance with what the app says I'm supposed to eat and being able to lose weight. Can't find the right calorie place in order to really start losing weight.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Sounds about right to me.

    My husband recently decided to start using MFP and has lost 9lbs since he started (I want to say mid June). Granted I know that some of that is just water weight, but it's a good start.
    His stats:
    SW: 225
    CW: 216
    Height: 6'1"

    I helped him set up his goals. I had him set his profile to "Lightly Active" and I wanted him to do 1lb per week loss but he wants to do 2lbs per week. *shrug* He also has a fitbit to help track his activity level through out the day.

    MFP Goal (before exercise/fitbit adjustment): 1770 calories

    I know lightly active is actually probably on the low side for him, but on his lazy days I don't think he is any more active than that. Fitbit has proven this to be true and motivates him to move more.

    But on an active day like yesterday, even without an actual workout, he got an additional 700+ calories from his fitbit. So even with his goal being set to 2lb per week loss, he still ended up eating close to 2500 calories yesterday.

    Point of saying all this is that, if you have the right activity level selected and have no metabolic issues, they can be fairly accurate.

    I on the other hand, seem to have the issue that everything underestimates for me. I set everything to 1lb per week, try to avoid being under my goal, and still lose at an average of 2lbs per week. :grumble: Even my fitbit underestimates. :angry:

    Best way to know though, is to try it for a month and see what happens.