

  • My friends always catch me touching my fork to my lips before I put it in my mouth. I have no clue why and I have no clue that I'm ever doing it until my friends point it out.
  • The Great Gatsby A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Fahrenheit 451
  • I went to hard at soccer and didn't drink enough. I ended up fainting mid-shower, naked, in the locker room and then they had to call in the male athletic trainer to check me out and make sure I was okay. Thankfully someone tossed a towel over me before he got there! Another sad soccer story, I once had food poisoning but…
  • I was raised by my grandparents for the exact same reason too!
  • I used to eat around 200 calories for breakfast but I would find myself getting really hungry and then over eating at lunch. Now I eat between 350-400 calories for breakfast and find myself staying full and eating a smaller lunch. But that is just what works for me and my schedule. The way you space out your calories is…
  • I know how you feel! I've always had a diet coke in my hand since I was young because my family never got the regular kind. My soccer team has a strict no soda and no fried foods during the season or 10 days before the next game. I think if you drink it in moderation you will be fine. Its the people who have over 5 cans a…
  • Its the same thing for me. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have captains practice for an hour and a half, go to work in a super market, then do 2 hours of an injury prevention and fitness training class which i have to leave directly after to go to soccer practice for my other team for 2 hours. On those days screw it, I want…
  • I have scars on all of my knuckles on my left hand. 1 from punching a kid, 2 from a bike accident, and one from a drunken adventure in which I cant remember. I also have a nice little round chicken pox mark on my forehead but you can barely see it. I think my most impressive is the one on the back of my thigh, about 5…