

  • I`m In SW 89.2 kg CW 87.9 kg GW June 85.5 kg UGW 67 kg
  • cutting out white flour / most potatoes / sugar. I do have small!! portions of wholewheat pasta / wholegrain rice / stoneground seeded bread, but never more than 1 serving max and not more than a couple of times a day. It never fails to amaze me how much these changes affect my weight AND my mood too :noway:
  • That`s really encouraging. I`ve got 40+ lb to loose... I spread my carbs fairly evenly over the day and choose "really good ones". I find my meals much more satisfying this way, don`t struggle with hunger/bingeing and my moods are improving too. I find your point on the water levels really interesting, I never thought…
  • I have done low-carbing in the past. Worked great as long as I stuck to it lol. However, I find that long-term it`s just not working for me, I started falling off the "LC Wagon" with increasing frequency... and now (well last monday anyway :-D) I was at my heaviest ever. I now "tandem" MFP + Glycemic Loading and lost 1.1kg…
  • Hi, I`m a Newbie on here too. I`m 51 and suffer from unstable bloodsugar levels and also had a hysterectomy. I have 3+ stone to loose :( and really struggling! Have tried every diet under the sun... the only one which ever worked was "Atkins", but I just can`t stick to it "for life". In fact, regularly falling off the…