sarbar71 Member


  • I invested in a lot of tools to help with this. I bought a Kitchenaid stand mixer, and then bought the food processor and spiralizer attachments. Those help speed up the process a lot. I also bought an Indoor countertop grill, an Instant Pot and an Air Fryer which all help with cooking times. I now have very little counter…
  • It's hard for me too, but it gets easier and easier as time goes on. The key for me has been to talk about how I eat with people before social events so that there are no awkward surprises. I talk about my food sensitivities, why I follow a Paleo diet, and explain why I don't eat certain things anymore. Then I always try…
  • Just bought a dehydrator recently, and love it. Kale chips are a favorite of mine. They turn out really crispy and can be as salty as you like them.
  • I see this question is really old, so not sure if you will see this response or not but thought I would respond. You're calorie burn will depend upon your height and weight, but I typically burn 570-600 calories per hour (I wear a Polar FT7, which seems to be pretty accurate).
  • I have been following a 90/10 Paleo/Primal plan for about a year - it's been such an amazing, eye opening experience for me - plus I've lost about 75 pounds!. I started with a Whole 30 to quickly kick cravings and find out what my food sensitivities are. There is Paleo/Primal support group on MFP with a ton of helpful…
    in paleo? Comment by sarbar71 August 2013
  • It is very good for sauteing vegetables in. Chicken too, if you like the taste of coconut, but if not, save it for your soups and sauces. Put 1-2 tbsp in a pot of soup, chili, or tomato based sauce and it seems to make my sauces more creamy and flavorful. I also put it in the micro for a few seconds to melt it down and…
  • I was most surprised to discover that nearly every main brand of tuna at the grocery store has soy in it! I could only fine one that did not; BUMBLE BEE® Prime Fillet® Solid White Albacore Very Low Sodium in Water. That was shocking to me - I have never bothered to read the label for tuna - one would expect tuna to be…
  • I think that you may have read some "bad" info about Paleo. Low carb like Atkins will steer you away from fruits and certain vegetables like tomatoes because of their higher carb content but this is not the case with Paleo. In fact, vegetables should take up most of the room on your plate at each meal. Fruits are also…
    in Cravings!! Comment by sarbar71 July 2013
  • I eat tons of vegetables and at least 1 or 2 servings of fruit each day, so no - constipation has definitely not been a problem. In fact, I think I may be more regular than ever before - lol. I do eat quite a bit of protein but it is balanced with healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oils, nuts, avocados, etc) and fruits and…
    in Cravings!! Comment by sarbar71 July 2013
  • So - I have struggled with similar problems in the past, and still do when I start eating "trigger" foods. If I start eating, say, Oreos or candy,, chips, etc - I become a total freak and can't stop eating. So - - - what has finally worked for me is Whole Foods! Processed foods are designed to make us crave them. Companies…
    in Cravings!! Comment by sarbar71 July 2013
  • I used the C25K program when I started running and it works great! If you have an iPhone or similar device, you can download an app onto your phone that will tell you when to walk and when to run. If not - no problem - there are tons of websites that will give you a general workout regimen. You can do the program by either…
  • Have you tried the ketchup recipe from Mark's Daily Apple? I think its really good! I haven't tried the recipe for Ranch yet, but it sounds like I need to do that. I really miss ranch dressing!
  • Will have to try these - I usually make the ones from Mark's Daily Apple. They have the consistency of a crepe and I really like the taste - they don't hold together quite as well as a real tortilla, but they definitely satisfy the craving for an old fashioned wrap!!…
  • In addition to eating larger quantities of fat and protein, also try to remember that your brain is a little ticked off right now - you have taken away the foods that it craves and it will fight you for a little while. I felt really hungry for the first week or two, even though I was eating a lot of food. Your hunger may…
  • I think that many people can be successful without starting with a Whole 30. Personally, I felt that I needed a Whole 30 in order to get started - I had been eating a lot of processed foods, diet sodas, etc. and really needed to detox and kick the cravings. Actually, I had no real interest in eating Paleo/Primal until I…
  • You look fabulous!! Congrats to you - and keep up the great work!!
  • I do not go to a gym and have lost 75 pounds through clean eating and running (primarily). I do change things up sometimes - elliptical trainer, a couple months of Insanity, etc. but for the most part running has been my exercise of choice. I think running is fantastic for weight loss - in addition to being great for…
  • I live in a semi-rural community and fortunately don't have to worry too much about safety, however, I am naturally a cautious person so I rarely run without my 80 pound German Shepherd. Even with my music on, I can tell when a car is coming up behind me because she will start turning around and alerting me when the car is…
  • I am doing Insanity right now - I have two more week left. I think when I finish the program I will probably go back to running, maybe throwing in a few Inanity workouts a week. I have not had problems with energy since gong Primal - if anything I have more energy now than I did before. Sometimes I feel a little sluggish…
  • Our dog gets diarrhea and sometimes vomiting if she has too much fat - even those dry pig ears you can buy will give her the runs. It was probably just way to much fat and too little time, but I would definitely watch him closely for a while just to be sure!
  • If you Google "Insanity Workout Schedule" the sheet will pull up. The ordering of the disks is important because they seem to alternate between cardio and more toning/strength work. I have followed the calender to a tee, with the exception of one week where I had to swap my rest day due to a scheduling conflict. Even that…
  • I am just finishing week 6 of Insanity and love it! It is the hardest workout that I have ever done by far, but totally worth sticking with it. I really haven't lost a lot of weight - maybe 5 pounds, but I have lost about 10 inches total. My fit test has also improved significantly in just 6 weeks - I've seen an increase…
  • I'm an appraiser and will be your pal. Oh wait - we're already friends too - lol! Now get to work :)
  • I am 5'2" and I started back in June of 2012 at 219. I have lost 70 pounds and currently down to 149. My goal weight is currently set at 135 so I have about 14 pounds to go, although I may lower it a little bit further. It can be done if you just stick with it. I never miss a day of logging into this site for motivation.
  • Well, it would be ideal to date other paleo/primal individuals, but if your town is like mine, most have never even heard of primal eating. Needless to say, it is still more than possible to exist in a relationship where you have different ways of eating - not ideal, but do-able. I am primal - my husband and kids aren't. I…
  • I was a total Diet Coke addict until adopting the primal lifestyle. After giving it up for Whole 30 and having to endure 3 long weeks of headaches, I decided that I no longer wanted to drink something that is so addicting that it would cause things kinds of side effects (it wasn't the caffeine, as I drank coffee the whole…
  • That dressing sure sounds good. Will definitely try this!
  • I've never looked at the ingredients to see what is in Align, but I do drink Kombucha and Water Kefir, both of which are probiotics and are okay while on Paleo/Primal. Fermented food and drinks are wonderful if you are able to tolerate them.
  • For those of you who have not yet done a Whole 30 and indicated that you need to do some more research or had questions, I have compiled a list of the links for Whole 30, as well as the shopping list. It's easy to forget all the "rules", so I found that rereading this information was really helpful for me -…
  • I would definitely wait to start til after the colonoscopy - you gotta drink all that barium stuff. Yuck!! Hope it goes well!