

  • Only if you want to gain muscle. Low weights and lots of reps will tone you without increasing muscle bulk.
  • Sorry just read this and realised we said the same thing! Great minds eh? X
  • Hi, as an instructor that teaches Zumba and Bokwa, remember Zumba is cardio. Depending on your instructor, You will get different results. I only dropped 5lbs on the scales since I started teaching, but lost 2 dress sizes. You may not see a shift in your weight because although you will be losing fat, you may be gaining…
  • Hey! I was at that launch! I'm a Bokwa instructor in London and was there to help out Anna- I was the one in the yellow top on the left podium :-) glad you're enjoying Bokwa!! X
  • Hiya! I'm a Zumba and Bokwa instructor plus a medical student and this is the advice I give my class members: I am usually happy to have pregnant ladies in my classes provided that: 1. You have been exercising regularly BEFORE you fell pregnant so the classes will not be a new strain to your body. 2. You don't have any…
  • Heya, I'm a Zumba and Bokwa instructor but I have heard of Just Jhoom. I don't teach it myself, but it has been around for the past couple of years and a close friend of mine in Newcastle teaches it. I have given it a go a few times with her at events in London and I must say I loved it! I usually do very vigorous routines…
  • Hiya, as a Zumba Instructor myself, I get my class members to wear my HR monitor occasionally. On average my class members burn between 500-600 calories per hour, but after a particularly vigourous session one lady had 782 calories!!! It totally depends on your instructor though, as every one is different and has their own…
  • Hi, as a Zumba AND Bokwa instructor in London, I've got a bit of advice for you when it comes to footwear. I have terrible shin splints when teaching and the right trainers makes all the difference. As you know, Zumba and Bokwa are very different exercise classes, so ideally you need different trainers for both. ZUMBA:…
    in ACL Comment by hana2291 June 2012