misa411 Member


  • We could be twins! I am a 34 year old working mom also trying to lose 20 pounds. I am starting a half marathon training program in a little over a week, which I am super excited about. Are you still looking for a pair? Melissa
  • When I was breastfeeding, 2000 calories absolutely would have been restricting. When I tried to count calories my supply dropped noticeably. Not worth it. You need a lot more than you think you do. Make healthy food choices, eat when you are hungry, don't eat if you aren't. The weight will come off eventually. :)
  • I did good today! I was really grumpy this morning and would have loved to have a mocha, but I knew I couldn't fit it into my calorie alotment for the day, so I passed. I was so proud of myself! I knew it wouldn't make me feel better, so why have the extra calories? I am making good progress. :)
    in Check In Comment by misa411 January 2014
  • I did good today! I stayed in my calorie range and ran 3 miles! I am off to a good start!
    in Check In Comment by misa411 January 2014
  • I had a baby 20 months ago. I lost all but 6 pounds within 5 weeks, but I had post partum depression, and unfortunately, my response to that was to eat. Chocolate, mainly. I am getting much more sleep now and the depression is pretty much gone. Now I have to lose almost 20 pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.…
    in Welcome! Comment by misa411 January 2014