aisha594 Member


  • Hey everyone, my name is Aisha. Unfortunately I have stopped exercising as much and as often as I used to because of study..I'm starting this week with 20 minutes of exercise 4 times a week, then 5 minutes extra each week!
  • I really want to start but I can't do it right now because I have guests over and I have no privacy *sigh*. I'lll still motivate you though!
  • Well I use an app called CardioTrainer, available on Android and Iphone I think, it has a lot of activities that you burn calories with so it has Circuit Training there. I haven't tried that yet as I usually use the app to track how many calories I burn with walking and jogging, but it should work.
  • Haha same I stopped 30 day shred because Jillians voice was starting to really annoy me. Shaun T looks like a boss, I'm starting insanity soon and it'll really push you to the limit but it'll be worth it.
  • Hi again, if you check my tumblr blog, the latest post is an Insanity calender with links :)
    in Insanity Comment by aisha594 August 2012
  • Yes, there is I can't get the links right now as my computer blocks Tumblr but I'll send you them in a private message tomorrow :)
    in Insanity Comment by aisha594 August 2012
  • That's a good idea to exercise just before itaari, clever thinking there might use that! Pilates is great, if you do start it then search pop pilates on youtube, she does great videos xx