Fondaroo Member


  • Powerful....... You've shown resilience and determination through your journey so far. You will get healthy!!!! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Add me too! I'm a loyal logger looking for more friends that want to stick with it together!
  • Add me as a friend. I have an open journal for my friends to see and if your is open we can discuss food/exercise choices
  • Add me too! I've decided it's time to add some friends for support. We can do this!
  • I eat it all the time and had it last night as a matter of fact! We don't usually put sauce on it but mostly do a smidge of real butter and parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. I slice in half, roast it upside down in 350 degree oven till fork tender. It really doesn't have a stong flavor of anything and takes on whatever…
  • Please feel free to add me! I would love to have some new friends also! All but one of my friends have gone away or just stopped loging in all together and I found it helpfull to have others along for motivation especially if you can sneak a peek at their food logs :)
  • Hi there! I am newer to this as well but not to trying to lose weight. Last week I decided to start looking for friends and have found 2 people that I chat with and get/give motivation. Please add me as a friend if you'd like~ talk to you soon! FYI.....I have at least 50 + lbs to lose but heck I'd be thrilled with 30
    in newbie Comment by Fondaroo August 2012
  • I like them sliced and frozen or mash them up and put in individual containers to be used in frozen smoothies!