spg50208 Member


  • Love that analogy....and your ticker!
  • Just eat what feels good for dinner. There is nothing wrong with having additional calories left over at the end of the day. For example, my goal caloric intake is 1500 (500 under what my body metabolizes. But I usually do a 600+ calorie workout. Most days I have 500 additional calories left at the end of the day. This…
  • Thanks guys! @cowgirlslikeu - Awesome job on the 17 pounds! I know EXACTLY what you mean about workouts feeling easier. The other day I did a jog/walk interval workout and accidentally went 5.5 miles. I was planning on doing a 5K, but when I got there I got a bit of a runners' high and just kept on trucking. @schwentc -…
  • Thanks! Appreciate the support!
  • Thanks guys! @pixiestick I was just noticing the other day how much easier my assisted pull ups have gotten. It's partly because I weight train but I think a larger portion is the extra 20 pounds I'm no longer pulling up with me!
  • Don't feel defeated. Everyone's life changes are different. I think the tough reality is that those services were highly valuable to you. If you were working towards a better future, then isn't that worth the expense? I would search for a new coach, or even just a workout/diet accountability partner if money is the issue.…
  • I always have the same thing. 1 piece of whole wheat toast 1 over easy egg (the runny yolk gives the toast moisture so I don't add butter) 2 oz of ham some sriracha hot sauce It's only 275 calories, tastes great and is full of protein.
  • I spent the better part of the last several years in the same boat. Basically, I'd gain several pounds, then I'd decide to cut back. I'd stick with it for a couple of weeks, and then off the wagon I'd fall. I've only been at it a month this time around, but I can tell you why this time feels different. When setting my…