Motivation needed

I've tried losing weight in the past, I just could never stay consistent with dieting and exercise, I'd always fall back into my old habits. I'm determined to lose 45 pounds this time, but then again, at the beginning of every other time I've tried I was also determined. I was looking at the success stories on here and that actually helped a bit, but I was just wondering if anyone could give me any tips or support? It would help a bunch!


  • spg50208
    spg50208 Posts: 9 Member
    I spent the better part of the last several years in the same boat. Basically, I'd gain several pounds, then I'd decide to cut back. I'd stick with it for a couple of weeks, and then off the wagon I'd fall.

    I've only been at it a month this time around, but I can tell you why this time feels different. When setting my goal, I incorporated a "why" element. Health hasn't ever really motivated me. So I gave myself two other "why" goals. The first is the most honest, vanity. I want people to notice my looks, especially my family. Second, I'm only a couple years from having kids, and I really want to be fit and full of energy for THEM. If you just say "I want to lose 45 lbs, it won't work." You have to figure out an honest, motivating force to keep you on track.

    The second thing I did differently is strategically planned my attack. I wanted fast results to keep me on the wagon. I worked out about twice a day for the first several weeks, focusing on cardio, and I always surpass my caloric deficit goal by quite a bit. I've lost 9 pounds since January 9th, and I guarantee I'm on the wagon to stay. Being able to see these results is keeping me motivated.

    Finally, I know what exercises leave me hating life the next day. I'm not going to tell you not to do them, but I've strategically saved them for 2 months into my new habit. The first step is developing a habit, the second step is kicking your butt. Diving right back in with tons of abs or high-weight squats, would have left me in bed sore the second week, destroying my habit.

    Again, I'll get to those exercises, but only once I've solidified my new, daily exercise habit.

    Good luck and read some success stories in the forums. They help keep you motivated!
  • "Don't give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about"

    It's a hard thing to stay motivated. I love food - LOVE it - but I hate the weight I am at more. There are tons of healthy recipes out there - that taste great too! Portion control is my biggest problem but I'm learning to use smaller plates, eat slower, and not go back for seconds. After running my butt of on my elliptical for 20 minutes and seeing the calorie loss of about 200...I don't even want to think about eating unhealthy. I stick to a pretty consistent diet each day - I always have a can of light Progresso Soup (Beef Pot Roast is my favorite), unfortunately the sodium is high but I try and watch my sodium intake for the rest of the day. The reason I like this for lunch is because it takes a long time to eat...I make sure to heat it until it's very hot so I am forced to eat it slow. And I eat the whole can so I am full after. A GREAT snack is Jolly Time 94.4% fat free popcorn!!!

    My daily diet:
    Oatmeal (Plain rolled oats with cinnamon - you can always add raisins or apples to spruce it up) - 8am
    Apple - 10 am
    Soup - 1 pm
    Popcorn - 3 pm
    Dinner - 6(ish) pm - low calorie intake during the day so you can enjoy dinner, just watch your portions!
    Dessert - Skinny cow ice cream sandwhich!

    Try and incorporate some veggies in the diet too! This is what I try and stick to during the work week (not exciting but I actually like the foods I eat), and I eat more variety on the weekends. Previously, I went from 144 lbs to 128 lbs following this in 2.5 months (without working out). Good luck!!!
  • Wow, thanks so much! That really helped a lot and gave me somewhat of a different outlook on my weight loss plan this time. Thank you VERY much, it sounds like you have a really great plan this time, I hope you're able to stay on track with everything and good luck to you as well!
  • "Don't give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about"

    It's a hard thing to stay motivated. I love food - LOVE it - but I hate the weight I am at more. There are tons of healthy recipes out there - that taste great too! Portion control is my biggest problem but I'm learning to use smaller plates, eat slower, and not go back for seconds. After running my butt of on my elliptical for 20 minutes and seeing the calorie loss of about 200...I don't even want to think about eating unhealthy. I stick to a pretty consistent diet each day - I always have a can of light Progresso Soup (Beef Pot Roast is my favorite), unfortunately the sodium is high but I try and watch my sodium intake for the rest of the day. The reason I like this for lunch is because it takes a long time to eat...I make sure to heat it until it's very hot so I am forced to eat it slow. And I eat the whole can so I am full after. A GREAT snack is Jolly Time 94.4% fat free popcorn!!!

    My daily diet:
    Oatmeal (Plain rolled oats with cinnamon - you can always add raisins or apples to spruce it up) - 8am
    Apple - 10 am
    Soup - 1 pm
    Popcorn - 3 pm
    Dinner - 6(ish) pm - low calorie intake during the day so you can enjoy dinner, just watch your portions!
    Dessert - Skinny cow ice cream sandwhich!

    Try and incorporate some veggies in the diet too! This is what I try and stick to during the work week (not exciting but I actually like the foods I eat), and I eat more variety on the weekends. Previously, I went from 144 lbs to 128 lbs following this in 2.5 months (without working out). Good luck!!!

    I always had associated my diets with one snack a day, such as an apple or some other fruit, but if this works for you I'm definitely going to try it out. Because I do too LOVE food, I think that's always been somewhat of the hardest parts of my diets and what brought about the failure of it. But I'm going to try out what you're doing and see how that works for me. But congratulations with your weight loss! I hope I get as much accomplished as you were able to!