Nice to see this post and all the vegans!
Roast it with just a bit of curry powder - delicious! Along with all of the above - cauliflower is a wonderful food!
My vegan favorites: 1) Fresh strawberries sliced and sauteed in coconut oil, with freshly ground black pepper (sounds strange but delicious) 2) A little dark sesame oil, dried onion flakes, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper 3) Roasted garlic cloves (you can roast a head of garlic in the oven next to your potatoes)…
Working in Columbus, OH. Who wants to go for a walk Saturday?
Me too. Northern NJ here.
Forks over knives is a great movie. There are some vegan/veg meetups in NJ. There may be some in your area too.
I have a standing desk due to back problems. I love it! It's a full-sized desk that electrically raises or lowers and has three memory preset positions. My co-workers like it and several others requested them too. I started using it only half-day at first because I was afraid my feet would hurt, but now I use it full-time…
<-- Bloomingdale / Butler Area
Just got some cantaloupe flavored drink mix at one of the Mexican bodegas. It does have some sugar but the flavor is very strong so I'm watering it down a bit. I prefer real fruit juice as a mix-in when I'm craving something more than water.
A squirt of lime juice from those plastic lime-shaped bottles does me fine.
Stop drinking alcohol and limit sodium.
LOL - I tell people to get to my house just drive north then turn left at the top of the mountain!
Sometimes we do - but in good fun!
Keep: Homemade potato candy and brownies (no one hands out homemade treats anymore) Give: Apples and oranges (no one hands these out anymore either)
Most guys are UNABLE to "get the message" or "take a hint" because we are wired differently. Making a rude comment and then ignoring him means NOTHING to a guy. But it does, in fact, set yourself up as a new goal to be achieved - the perception is you are playing the "hard to get" game.. Don't try to be nice. You have to…
No - pick me! - another old fart with a new lease on life!
Been there, got back together, it happened again, back together, happened again, and eventually split up, but still friends.
I hated when some people would hand out fruit, and I always loved the homemade chocolate-covered potato candy that several houses would give out. No one gives fruit or homemade candy anymore.
Us hillbillies don't have football, but we have lots of bears, lakes, and horse-farms!
Try this group
Anything south of Rt 80 but north of the Raritan River (Driscol Bridge) is Central Jersey to me. North Jersey here!
3 sets of 12-15 but SLOW controlled movements! Doing fast reps is less effective than slow controlled (focused) effort.
Avoid Sugars, Salt, Dairy, Other Fats, and Caffeine!
Good choices to put it on. Yes the amount is small, but I still prefer to avoid the extra sugar (they add salt too). To help prevent separation, I buy smaller amounts at a grind-your-own machine, which means more stops my the health-food place on the way home, but I also get fresh organic veggies there too.
Most brands of PB have SUGAR, or CORN SYRUP in them - look at the ingredients! Then go to your local health food store or food cooperative and get some fresh-ground peanuts (with NO ADDITIVES). Once you tried the real thing you will never want the sugary branded stuff again!
I've heard of Florida, NY, but not Maine, NJ . . . . Wrong forum maybe?
North - all the way North - in fact, touching the NY State border in West Milford!
Now that I'm paying attention to the citrus available, it seems oranges are not the usual good quality either. Whats up? Does anyone know?
If something happens, it happens - no big deal - either way I'm losing weight and feeling better..