Does anyone else have the Withings Activité activity trackers? I love mine, and especially the fact that I can use the Activité in the pool and hot tub. I have the Activité Steel, their Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor, and their Smart Body Analyzer scale. They all work well together. Who else has Withings trackers and…
Does anyone else here use the Withings activity tracker?
Who is in the NYC Metro Area?
Ha Ha,30094/
We have TONS of extra food here in the house that we need to get rid of. I'm going the wrong direction because I hate to waste it. Chips, Salsa, Burgers, Hotdogs, Rolls, etc etc. Any ideas?
Has anyone noticed a recent shortage in grapefruit, or is it my imagination? I eat one for breakfast most days, and it seems the number and quality have gone down in just the past two weeks. Maybe seasonal issue that I never cared about before?
Would anyone be interested in some "medium-challenge" hiking in the mountains of Northern New Jersey on weekends?