aktigerlitwin Member


  • Hello Dawn! I'm from Ohio, USA. My name is Amanda! Welcome to MFP
  • I can see a little more sculpting round the pelvic bone specifically, however, for having two kids and such... You are amazing lol
  • Good luck, keep up with it, and I love Shaun T! I do his Hip Hop Abs work out videos... Good luck with Insanity! I've seen it in action one at a friend's house... holy crow. lol
  • I am an ESFJ. Which from reading it, does not surprise me in the slightest lol.
  • You can add me too if you'd like! I'm trying to lose about 60lbs and finally... I'm doing it for myself instead of anyone else and I've found the motivation I need. Maybe it could rub off on to you as well? We'd have to see! 6 days with the dieting and exorcising... well one day of exorcising, and I've already lost 9lbs.…
  • Best. Intro. Ever. 'Nuff Said. LOL
  • Added you. As for Kristine... I totally agree. I actually am not cutting everything out. I've only been doing anything for six days now lol, and one day I did go to a wedding so all bets were off... but other than that day I've been sticking to the diet and actually I worked out today so I'm doing a lot more to get myself…