ltgw2000 Member


  • We are getting a new condo around christmas time so I guess that counts. Though I know it is the right thing and a smart investment I hate having a mortgage. Good for you for paying it off!
  • Beautiful and inspiring!
  • Culturally we have a complex relationship with food. Eating together is a way of bonding. Bring or providing food is a way of showing you care. Food is a part of our celebrations and a symbol of a good, rich, enjoyable life. Food is a pleasure. The amount of food we eat and what we eat are also sources of guilt for some /…
  • This is amazing! You are amazing! What an incredible journey and story. Thanks for sharing!
  • The gall bladder's job is to store the molecules that help the fat we eat get from our intestines into our blood stream where they can be shipped around the body for appropriate use or storage. These molecules are made in the liver so even without a gallbladder some of them will be in the intestine and you will get all the…
  • Have you tried it without the ephedrine? I mean really tried for a stretch of time and given yourself a few weeks to adjust. Ephedrine makes me a little shaky. You might find out you don't need it as much as you think you do. You might do just fine without it. I bet you are indeed that good, you just need to trust your…
  • I am back on here after registering but never really using it a few months agp. Now I feel it is helping a lot and I am looking for friends too.
  • Those are some beautiful pictures!
  • This sounds great to me! I joined last year and did well but drifted away and have gained weight and gotten out of shape again! I hate the cycle but when there is no one to help keep me on track it is much harder. So I am in! Sometimes I need a little sympathy other times I need a good kick in the butt! I am looking…
  • It isn't just bras that are expensive and difficult to size properly when you are a 34E or F as I am. Swimsuits are a nightmare!!! i envy the women with B or C cups who can buy swimsuits off the rack. I have to find a specialty shop. I hope I lose some breast size with weight loss, but realistically I know it won't be…
  • I love this thread. I'm 5'5" and pretty new here. My goal is to lose 30 pounds. I have been 20-30 pounds too heavy for a long time now and I know this is going to be a challenge, but seeing everyone else working hard and doing well makes it more fun!
  • This site does a decent job breaking this down. They seem to take a slow and steady approach to weight loss with the goal of enduring change. Go to the MY HOME tab and the GOALS tab beneath that to see how they have broken it down for you based on your current and target weight. I'm no expert, but they seem to make…
  • As other posters said your net calories for the day are the number of calories you have eaten minus the number of calories you burned in exercise. This represents the number of calories that your body "keeps". It is important to remember that your body needs to "keep" some calories to use for normal metabolism. Besides…
  • Wow all of you are doing great! So inspirational. I feel like it has been a super slow start for me, but Now back to a more normal schedule and I think I can still get it done. Here is where I stand so far: Run: 9 miles/ 26.2 Bike: 0miles/ 112 Swim: 0.3miles/ 2.4
  • June 1st and 2nd - on vacation, so a slow start but 250 yards of open water swim against the current is a good start for me. Tomorrow running on the beach!
  • I'm in!!!! I'm planning a triathlon in the next six months, probably olympic distance. Don't have a specific race set because my life is always a little unpredictable. This sounds like a fun challenge and a great motivation to stick with the training. Looking forward to it!:bigsmile: