

  • Hello, I'm in London and looking to add friends - please add me if you are looking too!
  • Welcome! Good luck with your goals, I am looking for friends on here too so will add you...
  • After 2 weeks of 3 course dinners (and the rest!) I have been too scared to get on the scales. Back on the wagon this week and so I will weigh in for the first time on Friday - hoping this will reduce the damage by a pound or two. Pleased to see most people haven't put on too much - hoping I'm in the same boat as you!
  • Don't get too disheartened, I had 2 weeks of being good with no results, and then on the third week I suddenly lost 4 pounds! Stick at it, it will be working, I understand the frustration but you will see results!
  • It's a good idea to make sure you keep track of your food, it definitely helps me stop falling off the wagon as I don't want to write the food down that I have eaten! It also helps you to realise where you're going wrong, if you're snacking too much etc. I also find it's really helpful to follow the blogs and forums, as…