New to myfitnesspal

Hello, I am 53 years old, vertically challenged at 5'1" and weigh 141.6. Started this weight loss journey at 146 and my goal is 130. I am so frustrated with the difficulty of losing this weight and I realize that my age has alot to do with it. I am looking for encouragement and suggestions from others that are struggling also. I have been using this site for a week and love the tracking features.


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Good luck to you! Anyone, any age can lose weight, you just have to be patient. Good job so far and take it one choice at a time.
  • AmyJ_N4
    It's a good idea to make sure you keep track of your food, it definitely helps me stop falling off the wagon as I don't want to write the food down that I have eaten! It also helps you to realise where you're going wrong, if you're snacking too much etc.

    I also find it's really helpful to follow the blogs and forums, as you realise how many other people have the same goals which is a brilliant motivator! Best of luck.