

  • Thank you! I had one maybe 8 years ago? No idea where it went, but I did remember being surprised by how much I actually burned and the range I needed to be in to actually burn fat. This will be good! But MFP should still fix that stroller calculation! :)
  • Yeah, mstefanis, I go the same pace with and without - I know you burn way more by pushing a stroller. The weird thing it says I burn more by walking at a slow pace by myself then by pushing a stroller, so I think it's way off. Thanks Jennifer, I just broke down and ordered a HRM ....This white polar ft40 from amazon. I…
  • I just asked something similar as the calories are definitely off in the tracker. When I plug in the pushing a child in stroller for 30 minutes, it's way lower then the calories burned if I just put in that I walked at a moderate pace for 30 minutes. What I think I'm going to do is just bump up the pace I walked at to…
  • I was just going to write this... The Ghiradelli chips are the exact same as the squares, only you get double the amount for your money! :) And for some reason a few chips seems more satisfying then one square.